
Everyone ready for Black Friday?

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Everyone ready for Black Friday?

For most countries, Black Friday is just around the corner, for my country's biggest online store it will happen on 18 of November and everybody seems to line up with this date.
Everyone ready for Black Friday?
I can already feel the hype! Every client we have with an online store is buzzing about designing banners and about the optimization of landing pages, some even asked for SEO techniques!

Except for lowering prices and making a special design, what are other things one can do to get as much traffic and orders as possible on Black Friday?

I think this may be the perfect example for good email marketing results, since the open rate with skyrocket if you hype the emails enough up with titles that mention Black Friday and massive sales.

A counter page countdown can be a good idea together with a short teaser video should also do the trick, even if you won't offer "80%" sales it's good to tease the users as much as you can, make them think your sales will be phenomenal, chances are they already know what they want to buy and will buy it regardless of how "phenomenal" the sale will actual be.

Are you guys preparing for Black Friday?
Do you wait to buy anything specific yourself?


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This is the worst day to go shopping. So many people have lost their lives at 4am trying to get the best deals. I agree with the marketing tactics though using Black Friday sales in anything will for sure boost your chances at making more sales. I myself do not participate in this sale because its becoming to dangerous here in the states. Cyber Monday is more my thing. Thanks for sharing!

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Oh my gosh, I had no idea that Black Friday was so big. Seriously here in South Africa you don't hear much about it out and about. Online yes we get to see some action but certainly nothing like you have described.

I might take advantage of it for marketing some of my products. My brain is ticking now wondering if I will have finished writing, publishing and adding my eBook to ListingDock by then... It would be oh so cool to put one of my own products on a Black Friday deal!

As a marketing tactic I think this is great. Thanks for bringing it up Cristian. The rest of the world might be getting into a frenzy about Black Friday already but seriously this is the first news I have heard of it this year so thanks for the reminder Everyone ready for Black Friday?

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I love sales, and the idea of grabbing a bargain is just thrilling. However what happens in many stores on Black Friday actually scares me. There is so much fuss, and people running around and grabbing stuff and most of them seem to be ready to kill anyone just to grab the bargain they planned for. It is scary, and I would not dream of going through it all just for the sake of a product, and to save money.

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Cristian where you aware of the violence and mayhem that occurs at 4am on this day? South Africa wants no parts of this lol! Like i said previously your better off on cyber Monday shopping from home without any risk of being killed over the next hot toy. People have no regards for life all they care about is getting everything on that list. The one year me and my wife participated in this a 2 year old girl was trampled to death at a target over by me. After that i said enough is enough. Thanks for sharing!

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We don't really have "black friday" here in Sweden and I'm actually glad we don't. These people are insane. How much do they save? Do they spend $15 and get something worth $1500? To me, it seems like it.

I would never in my life go to a store like that, screaming, yelling and whatever, acting like crazy, to save a few bucks. I would need to save like $1500 on each product I bought, otherwise I'd rather pay $1500 for something worth $150, and just sit at home. Sure, I'd lose $1350 off of it, but I'd live and I wouldn't need to go to a place with idiots like that.

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I still don't understand the buzz around the November 18 black Friday sales. I mean what is the essence of having to wait that long before you do purchases of the things you need. I only maximize that when it comes to making purchases for Christmas periods and nothing more.

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This reminds me of the big sale of S&R supermarket that specializes in imported items from the US and Europe. I was a new member and I got so excited to experience the big sale. Someone advised me to come earlier than the 9 am opening time so I arrived at 7 am. It was really frustrating because the line of cars to the parking area was very long already considering that the car park was still closed. I thought it over and realized that I may save money from the discounts but I will be wasting a lot of time.

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