
Keep your website safe from downtimes

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Keep your website safe from downtimes

Most of you know what I'm talking about when you read the word "downtime", and I'm sure that a monitoring service tool is something very familiar when it comes to a webmaster. There are many freee and paid monitoring tools that you can use to keep your website safe from downtimes, bugs, or anything else that can hurt your website or business online.

Now understand one thing, these tools are not going to prevent your server from going down, their function it's just only to notify you in real time if your server goes down.

Most of hosting providers these days are offering those tools for free, for example namecheap offer something similar, their tool it's pretty basic but it still can help you a lot if you are worried about if your website is always online.

Keep your website safe from downtimes


What I like from these tools is that, well everything is automated so whenever your website goes down you'll receive reports immediately to your email, or even via sms to your cell phone, of course that depends on the monitoring tool if they offer these features for free or paid version only.

Personally I've used mostly hosted-solutions services, but some of tools that I recommend to use are : Monitority | Uptimerobot | Statuscake

You need only to register an account and customizing settings as you want.


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Ok so I would know if my website is down, how will this help me? Because all I will want is my website up. Popular online stores can lose a lot of money for even a couple of minutes of downtime.

Anyways from my point of view if the server is down the web hosting is to blame and they should make everything to get it back up and running, though most popular hosting companies nowadays stopped having such problems. In essence I find this tool very useful because websites can go down from various reasons, not only hosting related.

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Precisely what I'm thinking. A monitoring tool that would inform me if my site is down. Then what am I to do next? Call and a lodge a complaint to the hosting company which in the first place should be the one to notify me if my site is down and inform me how long would it take them to get it up again.

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Thanks Procoder. I would think this would really be more applicable to people that have a massive website or perhaps someone that manages multiple websites?

I would know very quickly if one of my websites was down, well during waking hours at least.

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My experience is actually not a website but our internet connection. When it was down last Thursday, we informed the internet service provider about it. We were given the assurance that they will be working on it but it was fixed on Sunday. That experience also goes true with some website hosting provider that when you report that the website is down, it takes days to have it fixed. I don’t think you cannot do anything about the downtime except to change the hosting provider.

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