
10 On Page SEO tips for beginners Tutorial

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10 On Page SEO tips for beginners

When I first started working online SEO was a very foreign concept and I struggled to find the correct information. As a newbie I kept hearing about how backlinks was the way to go and I found an SEO freelancer hire on Seocheckout that looked great and he told me he could do nothing for my website because I had no on page SEO.

Purchasing a service is kinda useless unless you have at least done some basic SEO on your website.

So here’s where to start.

1. Make sure you have an SEO plugin. Yoast or All In One SEO are great to use. Yoast is especially cool for beginners since it gives you a checklist and lets you know when you have gone wrong and where.
2. Do some keyword research to find terms that you will be able to rank for.
3. Make sure your keyword is in the title of your post
4.Make sure your keyword appears in the meta title and meta description of your post
5. Add alt tags to all your images using your keywords
6. Add your keyword to headings, underline them in your content or put them in bold.
7. Add internal links in between your posts to other relevant content on your website.
8. Add external links to high authority websites to relevant content where applicable.
9. Write long posts of at least 1000+ words. The longer your posts are the more chance you have of ranking for your keywords that you are targeting and for other keywords too.
10. Add Youtube videos to your content, preferably your own of course, but if you haven’t started your own channel yet then find a relevant Youtube video to embed to your post.

Yes there are loads more things you can do to improve your on page SEO but these are just some quick tips for the newbies J

If you have anything to add get involved in this discussion!


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I definitely agree with using the Yoast plugin. That's usually the first plugin I add because it's free and does a load of stuff 10 On Page SEO tips for beginners I really like the sitemap generator it has because you can actually edit it so it removes the "Powered by Yoast" so it looks like your own sitemap lol. I'll always have this set up and then added to my footer with a link labeled the obvious "Sitemap". I'll then ping it using PingFarm and submit my sitemap and watch the spiders come crawling 10 On Page SEO tips for beginners

Adding 1,000+ word posts is something a lot of people over look because a ton of people will say that 300 to 500 word posts will do just fine. But actually there have been studies that show the top 10 results in the SERPs have 1,000+ word posts on their pages, so we know it's not a coincidence 10 On Page SEO tips for beginners Optimize the content for the search engines but make it readable for your traffic so they have a good time. Treat your visitors like they are golden and Google will treat you the same way 10 On Page SEO tips for beginners

Adding your keywords to the title, description, and content are always great ways to increase your on page optimization. And like you said, you need a good on page optimization foundation before you can begin your off page optimization work. Having a great off page optimization campaign up and running will not work as well as you want it to if your on page is garbage. So many people want to rank high in the search engines, but they don't want to take the time to do a little work on their pages.

One thing that I can add to your list is that everyone should have a responsive design. A responsive design is a fancy way of saying you should have a mobile friendly website 10 On Page SEO tips for beginners For anyone reading this who doesn't know why a responsive design is great, Google launched an update prioritizing responsive (mobile friendly) designs in the SERPs (search engine results pages). If you have 2 websites that are the same, have the same on page optimization, have the same off page optimization but one is responsive and the other is not... The responsive one will rank higher 99% of the time due to the update 10 On Page SEO tips for beginners

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Razzy thank you for adding some really valuable points. I agree with you that so many people work on all aspects of on page SEO except for one of the most important things, their content is barely readable! This is such a waste because as you say your visitors are the most important thing to your business so creating content that they enjoy is vital!

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thank for give us share this , it must help us

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This is a great topic thanks Lynne! I have never heard of Yoast so for me this is exciting new news. People under estimate the power of keywords and tags sometimes so im glad you pointed that out here. Titles are sometimes made up really quick, but they need to take time. Why do i feel like adding YouTube to anything will always help your SEO. I find that key phrases work really well sometimes better than single words. I also look for keywords that are HOT and pertain to my content and i use them. This was a very helpful reminder and learning experience for me thanks again for sharing.

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Thanks Jkeyz2,I forgot about adding tags to posts, this can be a really awesome way to not only increase your rankings but also to help visitors to move around your website and find new content that interests them!

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Thanks Lynne, I appreciate the share. 10 On Page SEO tips for beginners

I'm probably a total noob in terms of SEO. Well in fact, I am a true novice and I have more or less no experience or knowledge at all. Even though I know the "basics" so to speak. I actually had to learn some of it due to my main business. - But SEO has never been my "cup of tea". I've never been interested at all and I most likely never will be interested. - I leave these kind of things to people that know what they are doing.. That way, I can focus on the things I'm good at, but it would be a better solution to know some SEO myself. It's quite expensive to hire people. 10 On Page SEO tips for beginners

That being said, these tips for beginners are most welcome.

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Hi Andre,I am glad you enjoyed these tips.

Knowing what you are good at and where your talents lie is really important. I love SEO and getting my content to rank. It makes me happy!

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I would most certainly feel the exact same way if I ranked my sites, my content or my clients websites that way too. However, it's not my forte and that's the reason I leave it to people who already are experts in that specific field. 10 On Page SEO tips for beginners

But I always welcome tutorials and guides like this, in literally any niche. It makes people's life a bit easier!

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Really great tutorial for beginners Lynne! Though this information may only apply to starting bloggers, not every platform have SEO plugins and the e-commerce world is full of not so SEO friendly platforms.

Wordpress is actually perfect for implementing proper on-page SEO techniques, you can solve pretty much everything with a plugin, yet again having too many plugins will slow down your website and speed is a major factor for getting good ranks.
Not that I mentioned speed, that should also be on your list, test your website with tools like gtmetrix and optimize it accordantly.

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LOL Cristian! There are other platforms that are not Wordpress?

Yes I know I look at everything like everyone works on Wordpress. I must remember to state Wordpress in my posts.

Ok #1 use a Wordpress plugin... and then do everything on this list.

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I agree with the proper keywords but sometimes I see some links that have keywords that are not directly related to the niche. But I’m talking about videos although a writer friend said that it’s also common for websites to contain keywords that are not related to the theme or niche. The main purpose of keywords is to get a visit from a searcher so I guess the right keywords are those that are attractive to the searchers.

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