
Video Marketing is going to be huge in 2017 so how do you SEO Youtube Videos?

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Video Marketing is going to be huge in 2017 so how do you SEO Youtube Videos?

Ok so I am not like a huge Youtube marketer at all but I have learned how to get the few videos I have published on Youtube to rank quite nicely and one of them even has over 13 000 views which for me is huge!

Here’s what I suggest you do to SEO Youtube videos:

  1. Name video file and Youtube thumbnail as your keyword
  2. Have your keyword first in the Youtube thumbnail and then add something that entices people to click on your video
  3. Have your keyword showing first in your video description followed by a clear call to action with a link –this must all show above the fold! Lots of people won’t click to see more of the description.
  4. Write a good quality description of at least 200 words but if you can write more even better, but not less than 200 words.
  5. Add your name, your website name and your website link after your description
  6. Add your keyword and then the link to the Youtube video!
  7. Adding tags – add your main keyword, a few more keywords that describe your video, add your name and your website name as tags.
  8. Make sure comments are activated, remember if anyone engages on your videos this is a ranking factor! It also gives you an opportunity to have more and fresh content added to your video so you could rank for more keywords too. Reply to every comment.
  9. Share your Youtube videos on social networks!

I hope you have found this helpful. Remember to try and post new videos regularly and consistently (yes something I need to seriously work on myself) as this will help your channel to grow stronger and you will have better rankings on your videos.

Have a happy Friday!


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Thanks Lynne as always your topics are helpful. All of your tips will help our video grow more. 2017 will be a great year for marketing i think and for YouTube. making sure your on top of the new trends is so important. This is very helpful thank you and happy Friday to you as well. Thanks for sharing!

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It is a pleasre Jkeyz2. I actually need to pick up again with my Youtube videos. I think the last one I did was a few weeks ago. It is not easy to keep up with all the things that you need to do to run your website. I feel like I need about 3 personal assistants LOL

But yes I have been reading over and over recently about how huge video marketing is going to be in 2017 so I need to get my butt back into gear.

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Indeed 2017 will be a good year for anything video, we can clearly notice an upright trend in the last few years and I don't think it will even peak anytime soon.

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You said that when someone comments on your video that means you are getting traffic. And I would suggest that you monitor your videos for the comments that you should reply to at once. When I post a comment on a video, I want to see the reply of the video’s owner otherwise I may not comment anymore to his other videos. Pardon me for saying that comments are of high value in a video because not all videos get good comments and some videos don’t even get a comment at all.

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