
Peercoin Investment opportunities for lower risk investment clients

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Peercoin Investment opportunities for lower risk investment clients

Peercoin is an investment i would make rite now if you do not have alot of money to invest. One Peercoin is worth about .29 cents and you could get your hands on them just as easy as Bitcoin. Peercoin is at a 9 month low and i think we are gong to see a HUGE increase in the next few months especially into 2017. If you look at the chart below you will find that the last big Peak was about the same time Bitcoin peaked in 2013.

Peercoin Investment opportunities for lower risk investment clients

Bitcoin is expected to have another huge increase like the one of 2013 October of 2017. Could Peercoin be rite behind it? I think history tells us that it will, i am currently mining both currencies both Peercoins and Bitcoins. Imagine buying 1000 coins now for 290 and then they go up to $3 or more within the next 12 months you have something that cant be achieved on stock markets.

As always thanks for reading Please don't forget to follow me.


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Do you think that something similar with the 2013 peak will ever happen again? I remember being interested in bitcoin then, everyone was freaking out and watching charts that updated to the second, it was quite a ride to watch it all happen and I was kicking myself for not investing prior to the spike.
The only question was the bursting bubble and how much time you had left to cash out on your profits. I bet those people that had a lot of bitcoin and sold right at the top made a lot of money back then.

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Yes they did my friend, yes they did. The answer to your questions is YES! The big peak of 2013 is expected to happen again by October of 2017. I told people to invest at 590 and the ones who did are very happy rite now with the price being 643 for BTC. Peercoin will also spike if you look at the history is usually goes up shortly after Bitcoin spikes. You have to remember alot of what determines the value of alt currency is the price of Bitcoin. My advice is invest now as much as you can until the end of the year and sit on it for 2-3 years and you will see a 300% increase ATLEAST. on average Bitcoin has increase 100% per year. Proof of this is my experience this year in January the price was 375 this January the price is expected to be over 1,000 dollars. thats like 130% no bank or stocks are doing that on a consistent basis.

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Thanks for the tips! I will take them into account, I wanted to invest into bitcoin since forever now, but I'm the kind of guy that need to know 100% wants he's getting into before putting money on the table

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No problem at all man i hope that i can help people make smart investments and create a nice side earnings. All of my savings is in Bitcoin rite now and it will remain in BTC until further notice. I am not the kind of person who usually puts all his eggs into one basket. Bitcoin is built in such a way that investors can predict spikes easily and make the rite move to make money. If you wanted someone to trade for you i am soon opening up a new business trading crypto currency and building portfolios for people. Keep reading stay in touch with my topics because im going to be doing alot of research and sharing on this kind of stuff. Bitcoin is the wave of the future man and im glad your paying attention. Thanks for sharing.

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Hi MusicMoguls

your prediction of BTC peaking by Octobr 2017 was bang on, you must have become very rich - fair play to you!

a couple of qns if you dont mind, how did you know BTC would peak when it did? are there any things one should look for when buying a cryptocurrency or altcoin? are there any on your radar worth researching?

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