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OK so I have taken the advice of a lot of members here and started being active on Quora as often as I can and it would seem that yes it is an amazing place to increase your reach.
I have a few followers and I have answered a few questions... and I have had a few hits on my websites from Quora.
I am starting to see just how powerful it can be.
Ok so how about some more tips on using Quora please!
I see there is a blog section, can I just add a blog, call it The Musings of Lynne and just go wild with sharing things there and strategically adding links to my websites in there?
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There is a power of Quora. I have witnessed it. For instance, as soon as you publish a question there is like 40 views instantaneously, sometimes even hundreds of views. If you have a website link then you may even get a couple of hundred website views. I remember when I asked the design community about the design of a MMORPG game that I was programming, and it converted into like 10 players, and like $15 in sales. This was years ago, so you could imagine that the power of Quora has definitely increased since then.
I love Quora, however I have seen the negative aspect of Quora and I simply don't like it. For instance, if you answer a question and your answer is correct, another person will basically answer the same question, add pictures, and a little story and they'll get all the upvotes. I never understood this about Quora. It just rubbed me the wrong way, and it feels like your answers don't matter so why even try? Hopefully it's changed since then, and it's a little better. I never found answers like that to be relevant. Wow, it's been forever since I have been on Quora. I remember when the website was still in it's "prelaunch" mode, and the template didn't even look like it does now.. yes, that long ago. It seems Quora has added a couple of features since I have been on there as well, such as the Blog feature. I remember when it was solely for Question, and Answers. I wonder what made them think to add a blogging section to their product. It's very interesting regardless. There is a power of Quora. I have witnessed it. For instance, as soon as you publish a question there is like 40 views instantaneously, sometimes even hundreds of views. If you have a website link then you may even get a couple of hundred website views. I remember when I asked the design community about the design of a MMORPG game that I was programming, and it converted into like 10 players, and like $10 in sales. This was years ago, so you could imagine that the power of Quora has definitely increased since then. I love Quora, however I have seen the negative aspect of Quora and I simply don't like it. For instance, if you answer a question and your answer is correct, another person will basically answer the same question, add pictures, and a little story and they'll get all the upvotes. I never understood this about Quora. It just rubbed me the wrong way, and it feels like your answers don't matter so why even try? Hopefully it's changed since then, and it's a little better. I never found answers like that to be relevant.
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