
Forum Posting - Tips and Tricks - Part 1 Tutorial

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Forum Posting - Tips and Tricks - Part 1

I remember clearly that when I've started in this business, my first SEO Service was posting in different forums. I was so amazed that you can earn some money for such a simple thing as typing answers. Well as everyone says, nothing is that easy as it looks.
It's not a heavy task but it's not easy also. I will try to elaborate a list of how can you blend into a community that you don't have a clue about and how to keep your account alive.

The best things that you can obtain by joining a forum is connection with the people of the same interest, news, tips and tricks and advices. Being involved in the community will help build your network, strengthen or create (if you are at the beginning) your online presence and of course, advertising on your products, if you sell any.
Doesn't matter what reason made you joining a forum, here are some basic tips and tricks that could be useful to you.
Forum Posting - Tips and Tricks - Part 1

1. Always, and I said always, read the terms and the guidelines of any forum.

Every forum owner sets a particular set of rules in order to maintain some decency within the topics and among the users. You should always read the TOS because you will find written what are you allowed to post, how a post should look like, what are you allowed to insert within your post and so on. Be sure that you understand these rules because they will tell you how to interact with other people in the community and will give you a hint about what kind of people "live" on this forum.

Also, in the TOS you might find the "benefits" that are you getting as a new comer and knowing them can help you make a decision if you want to spend your time on a forum or not. Sometimes the benefits are ok, sometime not. It's up to you. Following the rules, will help you trick the community that you are legit, therefore you can post a lot.
Payments are, usually, per post so the more the merrier.

Continued on Part 2


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Forum posting! As I've said before, one of my favorite services (of all times) to offer. If you're very literate and well spoken, have a good grasp of English (assuming you are posting on English language forums) and a fair deal of knowledge about a specific subject (or willingness to research your posts thoroughly), then you will earn very well at this.

As you said though, first step after sign up is to read the rules! First and foremost!

Keep in mind, most times, the moderation staff will not always know you are being paid to post and will just as easily infract you (as a new member) as anyone else. That's true, especially if you are rapid fire posting on your first day of joining.

I know it's not directly related to what you were talking about, but my technique was always to set up the forum account a few days in advance and then make one nice lengthy post (an introduction is actually good for this - you won't be paid for it, but you will endear yourself to the community faster by doing so and makes you not seem like a lurker/spammer/stranger). And then over the next week slowly build up momentum, rather than posting 25 in a day and leaving. That will get you into a lot of hot water and no one will hire you back for their forum.

Basically, just act and post like a regular member would and you'll be accepted and asked back later to post (for pay) some more.

And, I know you have a good deal of experience on this subject of forum posting - can't wait to read your other posts and maybe share ideas.

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That's a must. Introduction post shouldn't be forgotten on any new forum you register. Actually I strongly recommend making a great introduction post and why not stating a made up reason for why have you joined the forum. It will get you closer to the members and also will show the owners and moderators that you give a damn about their work and forum.

You can join a lot of forums, from different niches but people will be people so do show some respect.

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Thanks RaduV this is really useful for newbies to forum posting.

I have had my ass flame grilled before because I neglected to check the TOS and it really is simple, like you say. The first thing you should always check on any website that you want to get involved in is to check what is and what isn't allowed.

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It happened to all of us at the beginning. I've had more than 20 accounts suspended because I was posting like a crazy guy from the first day. 20, 30 or even 40 posts per account in a matter of half an hour.

I was doing this because I wanted the money faster and I was pressed by the time. Being at the beginning you don't actually know how to manage your workload, your time and how you can spread the work during the week.
I was only about the money, fast and most of the times my account was getting suspended minutes before i had to get paid.

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I never remember ever reading the official TOS of a forum and I also did tons of forum posting in my day.
I remember old-school forms had a single closed topic like: "READ THE RULES" - those I would read, yeah. I was pretty young back then and I loved swearing and picking up fights by contradicting older members.

Most forum owners loved me because I would animate the place a little, but I had to admit, I also lost some clients because I haven't read the rules and used a lot of swear words in my posts.

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Usually threads like "Read the Rules" are based 90% of the terms. They were summarizing the Terms of Service for lazy guys like you. Nevertheless, I know that you were an internet flightier and not so many forum owners loved you.

In the end, it was just a phase. Now you know the rules by head and you don't have to read every tos on every forum when common sense is applied. Nobody will cut your head if you don't follow them by the letter but if you stay within decent limits then you should have no problems.

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Would anyone tell me how to take permission for forum posting

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To be honest about it, I don’t read the terms and guidelines of a forum in full because it appears to be just taken from a pattern and everything written is standard. But sometimes I make a misstep in violating the rules. There was an incident that really broke my heart when a forum admin gave me a killer rating that pulled down my average. And it’s all because I posted on a prohibited board. My idea was that I was putting in good contents to his forum and my reputations bespeaks of my quality posts. My membership was revoked and I was banished. To console myself, I just think that they lost a good member.

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