
Does having click bait titles improve CTR?

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Does having click bait titles improve CTR?

For a good number of years now the entire Internet is bombarded with click bait titles!
When I say "click bait" I'm referring to stuff like this: "Here is how you are going to make one million dollars in less than an hour!"

Does having click bait titles improve CTR?

Is this still a thing? Do people still click trash like this? Because I certainly don't, sure I may had clicked and visited pages like this out of curiosity only to find myself very disappointed at how low quality the content really was. I can now "smell" click bait stuff a mile away, even if published started to get a little smarter by not being so "obvious" anymore.

How do you create titles that people will want to click without being click bait?

  • Create a real emotional response
  • Use numbers, stuff like: 7 best; top 5; best 8, etc.
  • Be realistic with your title, never go over the top by tricking the user into unrealistic expectations
  • Update your title, optimize it a little every so often by taking a close look at the actual click throw rate.


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Well Chris the sad fact of the matter is that people still do click on this junk believe it or not. I see this on Facebook almost everyday some picture of cash and someone saying they can help you make 1,000 a day. I would add don't steal other peoples work to your list. I often see the same picture or same kind of slogan on all of these click bait photos or Ads. Originality is key and if you look like a scammer then you probably wont get any sales. Do your own work and make it stand out to people. Thank You for your other tips i hope that people come and see this so that the internet is cleaned up of this "Click Bait" Junk. Thank you for sharing this topic i really appreciate your time. Have a Nice Day!

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I usually read everything I found interesting. Click bait titles or not. Actually, I think I read every single content I find where they've used a click bait title. - However, I don't do this because I'm interested in buying. In fact, it's the opposite. - I won't buy anything but I'm eager to find out the reason to why they used a click bait title.

I also believe that click bait titles are most effective towards newcomers without knowledge or experience. - Or at least with very little experience. With that being said though, I still believe that some "click baits" are great to gain more exposure.

For instance, one of my previous products.
I used a title like this: $38,750+ Banked! | The SECRETS Of Creating CASH-PULLING Business! and also this: 23,750+ Banked From Zero To HERO. However, some people would see this as a pure click bait meanwhile I don't see it like that personally. - Which is the reason I use it.

I used these titles to attract more people for sure and I would never deny that, but, what I've stated is also true. I did earn $38,750+ and the "zero to hero" part is instead of using the term "A-Z". "The SECRETS Of Creating CASH-PULLING Business!"-part, is also true. - I did share "secrets" or at least my own methods I've used to earn this income.. And due to that, I can't say it's click bait. - Pure click bait titles for me, is titles that aren't accurate or that has nothing to do with the actual content you'll find within the product. - As you've said, someone who claims to show you how you'll earn $3,000,000 and have made $10 themselves.. - Those are the real baiters in my book.

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Yes I think Click bait titles do work sometimes. I know I have often just clicked out of curiosity but then I don't usually stay long on the website.

I get so annoyed with some click bait titles that have zero to do with the website that you click through to. This is just dishonest and surely this will have a negative impact on SEO? Although I have mostly come across this type of thing on Facebook. I heard recently that Facebook will be clamping down on click bait titles though.

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