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People always try to tell me what black hat SEO is like I don't know. They will go on and on about all the techniques and tricks which are considered black hat SEO, and a lot of them are horribly wrong lol.
One of my favorite things that I hear on a weekly basis is that "using software to help out your SEO campaign" is black hat and should never be done. I usually laugh at these types of comments and explain to them that this is not blackhat SEO because it doesn't try to game the system at all. Now if the software was made to keyword stuff, create doorway pages or make your text hidden/blended then it's considered a blackhat software. If they software scrapes together articles, link locations and specific websites then compiles them into a list and tries to create a link on them, that's not exactly black hat lol.
People want to consider using software for your SEO campaigns as black hat, but sadly that's not true. Using software just speeds up the process and relieves a ton of stress. It doesn't game any system since Google, Yahoo! and Bing already have fail safes in place to notice these kinds of links being placed. So yeah, go ahead and use software for your SEO campaigns but know that if you use them wrong you will get slapped. It's not blackhat, but it can hurt your website if they are used in the wrong manner. No one gets 1,000,000 profile backlinks over night so if you do this you'll set off some red flags in the search engines and get slapped almost immediately. But if you use low quality link locations to aim at the high quality ones it will look more natural and you will probably be rewarded.
Software is more of a grey hat area since it does automate systems that can be done manually. The software is designed to help automate your work load so that you're not wasting hours doing something manually.
I use software for all of my SEO campaigns, even my clients, and I've never been penalized. Well, I have gotten penalties in the past but it was on websites that I was using for testing purposes and I wanted to see how many links I could build in a day before I got a reduction in my rankings/traffic lol.
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Then the updates came and Google everything down. Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird all types of animals that destroyed my dreams. It's abuse of the software and fast results with minimum effort that is considered blackhat. It's not the software itself that is black hat. I know when I first tried Scrapebox (long time ago i know). The results were amazing, thousands of links created in half an hour on specific niches with specific keywords at the touch of just few clicks. How can I not like this? Rankings were changing really really fast and if you had the right tool you could overthrone a well established website in couple of months and probably this was the problem. Then the updates came and Google everything down. Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird all types of animals that destroyed my dreams. It's abuse of the software and fast results with minimum effort that is considered blackhat.
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