
Domain or Hosting reseller? Who is more profitable?

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Domain or Hosting reseller? Who is more profitable?

We all know what reseller word mean, and we also know that reselling it’s a profitable business same as selling. Now, these last days I’ve been thinking to set up something new, actually I wanted to expand my services and to experiment a little with some new services, with “experiment” I want to say that I’m thinking to set up some new services more for testing purpose in sense that I need to see how it goes, it could be a fail or success, but without trying it’s hard to say, right now it’s just an idea.

They both could be very profitable, I’m not afraid of starting or managing it as a business as I’ve enough knowledge I think, but the only fear is that as any other business in the beginning you have to make some investments to put it alive, and another thing that is stopping me is that I don’t have enough time.

Have you ever tried to resell one of those two services?
What are your thoughts on this?

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Well you might give it a try. In any new endeavour you have to take a leap of faith and give it your best. I would go with both services but are you sure that you have the necessary resources to transform it in a viable business?

I am talking about TIME, MONEY and KNOWLEDGE (here you've got it covered). I am sure that you will have to deal with a lot of newbie customers that will require assistance for any problem. A while ago I had bought my host from HostGator and my domains from Namecheap and GoDaddy and I can assure you that for any minor task, I was calling the Support. I was a pain in the XXX and I realise now what a time consuming task it is for the clerks working there to sit and fix everybody's problems.

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I would go with both services but are you sure that you have the necessary resources to transform it in a viable business?

Yeah, I'll just go ahead and sell both services, because you can't have one without the other. Plus, you're saving future potential customers time by having the two services in one place. The only issue is, is those giant competitors. What will make your business better? Why would customers go to your website to purchase domains and hosting? You need to form a business model before you get started and find out what those other providers don't have that you can add.

Not only that you need to think about server costs, and how much profit you'll actually make. Do you think you would be able to cover your monthly expenses? Just some things to focus on. Good luck with whatever you do though. Domain or Hosting reseller? Who is more profitable?

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Yes I have to admit that i also wondered about the competition because there are some really big names out there for hosting and domains.

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Yeah I have to agree with RaduV here, the support side could turn out to be very time consuming.

I don't see anything wrong with trying it out, you certainly have the knowledge and online experience to give it a really good go. I would think reselling both domains and hosting would be best since they often go hand in hand. Someone that buys a domain will almost certainly need hosting for their new website too.

I like the idea of using the same company as far as possible, I am not fond of having accounts all over the place for different things. If I can have my hosting and domains at the same place at a decent price with really good service that would be my preference.

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Both have their pros and cons of course, but if you are willing to do it right you can be successful in any one of them. There is plenty of competition in this market of course, but that does not mean that you cannot go for it. In time, if you try to offer something unique, you can do well.

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I think reseller make more money when hosting gets sold. And domain owners makes money when they sell some name. So it all depends on how the sales are going. Some of the time domain sales are more. And some of the time hosting sales are more. It all comes down to what you can do with that. It all becomes more relevant if there are any good options for you.

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In order to make money by domain flipping, you need to hold domain names with commercial values. The domains should also be aged. IN order to make money from reseller hosting, you need to find buyers for your hosting. Both of these things are hard to achieve. Since most of the domains are taken for dot com, it is really hard to register a high-value dot com. The market for hosting is also already saturated.

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