
Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services

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Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services

We are happy to announce a new feature, which we hope will benefit all the Seocheckout and Ionicware community. Now you can create unlimited coupons for your service. You may edit your existing services to enable this feature or add unlimited coupons during service creation.

Please reply back to let us know what you think. If you have any issues, please let us know.

Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services


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Great Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services Aren't we getting better and better marketplace... Improving all the time for customers and sellers too. Thanks to Seocheckout team for being best innovators ever Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services
This new feature can obviously help to increase sales and reward returning customers and i totally love it!!!

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This is definitely an awesome idea Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services Customizing discount coupons will allow you to set up coupons specific to users, like Mike said. Setting the code up as an individuals user name will surely increase conversions over time since this will show that the seller is dedicated to the buyers and willing to help them out with a discount.

Think of it as email marketing, if you can customize the email so it says the persons name and not "Hi there User!" it's more custom and people feel a little more at ease. They're more willing to read through the email if it's personalized and that will usually increase your sales. The same thing goes with customized coupons, make them specific to users and the users will most likely use them lol Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services

This is also an awesome feature for marketing purposes Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services People can advertise their own services on forums, websites and blogs along with their coupon codes and they'll get more sales. Everyone loves saving money, so if you post a coupon code along with your advertisement you'll see a decent amount of people clicking through Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services

I'm not a seller here on SC, I'm just a buyer. But I do have an extensive background in marketing so I can see the great potential that the coupon codes have Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services They will definitely increase traffic and sales and everyone will be a happier person at the end of the sale Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services

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Well I have only just started selling some services here and I was only today wondering firstly how I can create coupons for my customers because I have never done this, but also whether I would be able to create different coupons for different people

This makes me very happy to see how awesome this new feature is and just in time for me to start rewarding my first customers Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services I love that I can customize them - like Razzy says this will make it so much more of a personal touch if I use my customers names!

I can't wait to start playing around with this.

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Very good my prices are already at coupon prices lol, but this is a great feature I am sure I will use someday! Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services

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This is AWESOME! i love the new innovations going on here at seocheckout.

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And another superb update to the best marketplace on earth. I'm proud to have been here for the last 4+ years or so, and the best part of my journey is that I'm still getting impressed and amazed frequently. Outstanding as always.

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Finally! So exited for this new updated/new feature Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services

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Hi Bev thanks for introduce a nice and new featured. seocheckout truly becoming more better and better each and every day. I hope this featured will be very useful to attract to buyer for more selling of service. Though previously this features was existing limit and now it is becoming widely and as your said unlimited coupon code. Very interesting featured once more. I excited to hear more featured on seocheckout to make more convenient for using seocheckout as buyer and seller. Still I am looking more payment gateway for seller for withdraw money rather than just 3. Like paypal or payoneer or payza.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Hi Ajlancer. Thanks for your comment. It's good that you are back with us again. Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services
Also, many members have expressed appreciation of this feature too. Hopefully, it will be a benefit to all.

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that is the great information for all of us. The freelancer it will increased the our business and money increased. .

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Awesome. The marketplace is getting better and better. Thanks for the new feature. It will definitely help us to generate more revenue from our services.

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Thanks for the new features! The coupon code feature was indeed somewhat limited, now you can set a very specific coupon code, even one for every client if you want, think about it, this can be a marketing opportunity, having the client's name as the coupon name, it will make him feel special and your conversion rate will go up.

Going to all this trouble just to pitch a client should really impress the hell out of him and even if he/she orders just one time with that coupon, it will be a win!

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thank for the great feature Create Unlimited Coupons for your Services

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UI and UX looks gud , Hope it works fine.

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YAY! I have started using this feature now and it works beautifully!

I am giving different people different discounts. So I give people that do promote my services and products with their affiliate links special discount coupon codes, people that sign up via my newsletter another discount and so on.

I am going to try even more awesome promotions using coupon codes soon!

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hi, i am himu71
plz help

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how can improve my sell

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Hi I am Toriqulislm970 plz help me

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