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If you're new to seocheckout, welcome! But if you're a veteran then you may already know what I'm about to go over.
Being completely honest with your clients will make you a happier person in the long run because you'll weed out the people who have unrealistic expectations. Did I just tell you you're going to lose sales? Yup! But it's worth it because the ones you'll lose will most likely be upset with the work you're doing anyway if they don't hit #1 in 24 hours lol
You can tell potential clients that you will do the best work in the world and get Google to personally call them and ask where they want to be ranked, but it doesn't work like that. You'll just have a lot of pissed off clients and ruin your own credibility.
I've had thousands of clients in my many years of working online. I've sold web designs, SEO, SEM, reputation management, PPC management and various other services and I don't get many angry clients because I tell them the truth before the sign up. Sure I lose some clients, but it's worth it since those are the ones that would have been a hassle later on. I actually remember when I was working with someone on their SEO campaign and I told them that it could take 3 to 6 months to see any good movement in the SERPs. They came back to me after 30 days and started complaining to the point where they were going to file charge backs on me. I told them that they were under contract and that wouldn't be wise on their part. Even in the contract it said that it could take up to a year to see a positive ROI. They signed the contract so that means they read it, and if they didn't that's their own fault lol. A few days after we talked I noticed that I had a charge back. Yup! It was that same client. So I sent them to collections and got 6 more months of payments because they broke the contract lol
So even if you're 100% truthful with people, you will still have one or two of the thousand clients be grumpy. They want the stars and you can't give it to them lol. But in the end I'd rather be completely truthful to potential clients so that I have less headaches later on
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From time to time, i had to "employ" some freelancers to reduce the load on my shoulders. I've started easy, i had post an ad and wait for potential workers. The amount of people that are not able to write an intelligible phrase but still claim that they can deliver some quality work is huge.
In the end, is much easier to discuss with the buyer what can you do, when can you start and more important what can you deliver and at what quality. This will save both of you time and you look more professional. I am sure that if the client has some experience in the field and has been working freelancers can easily spot an overselling guy who promises more than he can deliver. From time to time, i had to "employ" some freelancers to reduce the load on my shoulders. I've started easy, i had post an ad and wait for potential workers. The amount of people that are not able to write an intelligible phrase but still claim that they can deliver some quality work is huge. In the end, is much easier to discuss with the buyer what can you do, when can you start and more important what can you deliver and at what quality. This will save both of you time and you look more professional.
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