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Hi, i pay to Seocheckout to feature my service 2 days ago and now it was deleted... i lost my money, my service and my feedbacks (+10 positive reviews).
What can i do now? Cry a little for that money that i lost and keep going or what can i do?
One thing is true, i will never pay again for featured anything on this website to happen the same thing...
Don't be in a hurry to throw bad words, I'm sure that you will manage to get a solution with the guys from support and even get some refund. Explain them what was the situation as good as possible you can.
Facebook services are not permitted anymore so for the future don't add these kind of services because they will be removed without prior notice. Most likely your service was in violation with the Terms of Service. My suggestion is to file a ticket to the support, explain them the situation and see how it goes. Don't be in a hurry to throw bad words, I'm sure that you will manage to get a solution with the guys from support and even get some refund. Explain them what was the situation as good as possible you can. Facebook services are not permitted anymore so for the future don't add these kind of services because they will be removed without prior notice.
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