
Be a leader to your employees, not a boss.

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Be a leader to your employees, not a boss.

I'm sure you've seen the memes or images that show stick figures being a leader to the employees and paving the way vs. being a boss to your employees and standing on top of them while you make them work to death.

Increasing the workflow and moral of your employees starts with you, the "boss". You need to be doing the work along side them when you can so they know you can do what they can and you're not just an idea man who's making money off of their hard work. I understand that the CEO is the main person who runs the company in their own way, but if they are not on the ground floor with the employees a couple times a week then the company won't have very happy employees after a year or so.

Being a leader to your employees will make it so you're part of the team and not just the boss. You probably won't get invited out for cocktails because you're still the one who signs the check. Even if you do get invited out, you'll probably have to decline or if you choose to attend you should probably leave after one or two drinks so you can still have a professional atmosphere at work. You can be friendly with your employees, but becoming best friends will hurt in the long run.

A few things you can do:

  1. Remove the word "You" when talking to an employee. Replace it with "We" and people will feel that you're more involved with their projects. You'll have to actually be involved somewhat though. No one will expect you to do all of the work, but you'll need to show that you want to help out as part of a team.
  2. Compliment whenever you can. This increases the moral and even if people don't say it, they will think "The CEO just told me I've been doing a great job!" Be a leader to your employees, not a boss.
  3. If there's a problem, don't start yelling because you're angry. Get analytical and break down everything that happened and go over every detail with your team to figure out how to avoid this problem later on.
  4. Never single out one person when something goes wrong. If you do this you're just going to create a cancer because the person will think you hate them and they will eventually become malicious and spread rumors or even try to sabotage the work being done. It's shady, but does happen.

Does anyone have anything else they'd like to add?


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Yes, I want to add something, but I have to say it, Razzy you kinda nailed it. Anyway, I hate bosses that keep you in the dark about certain things for which you are directly involved.

I like people that clearly communicate their end goal and what exactly is the plan for achieving that goal. Bosses that just go with the flow without filling you in and keeping you updated are usually weak and incompetent from my point view. Working in a team means you need to communicate and coordinate, that's what a good manager will do.

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Nice addition Cristian,this is a brilliant point. I think workers need to know what they are working towards. If they know what the end goal is I believe that they are much more likely to achieve it. It also gives workers a chance to use their own initiative and make suggestions to their boss and we all know that 2 minds are better than 1!

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Certainly I love to work with a leader than a boss.Some Bosses rate themselves too high than even God that created us.

Some are very wicked and malicious and you tend to wonder such callousness.

I will be a leader if I ever get to that status.

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Thanks for this Razzy, I think a lot of people will get great value from this post.

I love what you have said and I agree with you 100%. I have seen how some people treat their employees and it is very concerning. I believe that a happy worker is a hard worker and an employee that feels valued and can see that their contribution is not only noticed but very much appreciated will go the extra mile.

I think a company will be so much more productive and profitable if bosses followed your suggestions and guidelines. This will result in loyal and happy employees.

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Great points there. A leader is someone who creates more leaders, shares responsibilities with the team. Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence. Compliments to the team and magnifying their strengths instead of their weaknesses helps build the necessary trust the team needs to have in their leader. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are truly a leader.

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Picking out a particular worker when things go wrong is one key element that has broken down many successful companies in the sense that by so doing, these sets of workers would in no distant time be polluting the minds of other workers and making them bring negative energy to the workplace. So, if a boss could be able to manage the workers in such a way that they feel loved, then those workers are most likely to give everything in the business.

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There was a time that I had 95 people under my section. It was a management overload and I’d say being the boss is difficult and being a leader is easier. What I mean by leader is to delegate the work. But, of course, the delegation is not as simple as assigning the work. A complete orientation and supervision is needed to assure quality of output. That’s how I see myself as a leader and not as a boss.

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I agree with this. This week I read a piece in our local paper about how CEO's that lead companies are often horrible human beings especially to their employees. This is because they think because they have been so successful they can do whatever they want to do. Most companies with CEO's like this have a high turn over rate as employees keep leaving. To grow your company you need good employees. I agree that you should be a leader more then a boss.

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