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Cristian posted at the beginning of September that he noticed fluctuations in ranking and he was wondering whether there was a Google Update happening soon. I've read a number of different articles that are also asking the same thing.
Now today I read on Search Engine Land that the signs are all there for an update but that Google is downplaying it. Apparently John Mueller said on Twitter that there is nothing specific at this time but they are always doing improvements.
Have you noticed anything with your rankings, or perhaps you have read something about this? Do you personally think there is a major Google Update happening?
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I think Google will down play it until it's over, they will probably release something many months after it has happened. But I do see an improvement in my keywords, and positions basically without doing much of anything. I mean, I don't have the time to do SEO and if I am seeing improvements then something definitely is up. Yep, I have noticed this too, but wasn't sure as I haven't heard anything official from the SEO gods. My rankings are improving drastically and I'm not certain as to WHY they are improving. Perhaps my target isn't very competitive? Maybe people are actually searching for my keywords and I think no one is interested in my niche? Very playful indeed. I think Google will down play it until it's over, they will probably release something many months after it has happened. But I do see an improvement in my keywords, and positions basically without doing much of anything. I mean, I don't have the time to do SEO and if I am seeing improvements then something definitely is up.
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