
Whatsapp Privacy Policy Change Causes Panic!

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Whatsapp Privacy Policy Change Causes Panic!

I noticed that I had to agree to some new thing on Whatsapp recently and yes I hardly paid attention. This was swiftly followed by an email from my mom all in a frothy about whether she must agree to the Whatsapp privacy policy change and she told me that there was no option to disagree.

I told her not to panic and just go with it.

So what this is all about is that Facebook acquired Whatsapp 2 years ago and now they want to share user information from Whatsapp with Facebook.

I'll be honest here, I'm not that worried because I think that our personal information is already all over the net anyway!

But what do you think about this?


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My information is not all over the internet, Lol! Whatsapp Privacy Policy Change Causes Panic! I create nom de plums and do not ever use real information - EVER! Since we all know that nothing is safe and secure on the internet especially in todays world it is in everybody's best interest to do the same and create a buffer to protect your privacy. This is very important not only for privacy but also for safety! I have seen many news stories where people will post everything about their life on Facebook including their home addresses and everywhere they go and when, what they just bought where they plan to visit and when etc... Here is a news story I saw some time ago and I will be paraphrased it for speed. A person posted on Facebook that they will be on a two week vacation - holiday starting on a certain date. Criminals scraped this data then showed up at the house during the persons vacation - holiday. The criminals then robbed the house. Actually they took everything! Nothing was left in the house at all! This was due to the social media post telegraphing the vacation trip. The moral of the story is be smart and think about what personal information you offer up online.

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Oh yes, I know exactly what you mean Webguy2024 and you know what? That is not even scary for me, since if my house is cleaned out that is just things... you know?

I see people posting pics of their kids right outside the school on the first day of school! Imagine sharing with the world where your child goes to school and your child's name too?

This is how kids get stolen now isn't it? I find this day and age that we live in just plain scary!

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This is mostly likely to help them target advertisements to you. Generally if a company owns multiple websites they will tie them all together mainly for advertisements, or to get a better understanding of user activities. I would not be too panicked over this because a lot of websites do this but you will never know unless you actually read the entire Terms of Service, or Privacy Policies.

Some of these practices are a bit shaddy, especially when companies directly inform you that they will sell off your information to the highest bidder, which is kinda scary. Hopefully facebook doesn't do this, but I wouldn't doubt it or put it past them. Companies have been sharing their user's information for quite some time so it's not like a new thing.

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Yeah Everett that is how I understood it that it has something to do with targeting advertisements.

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I already use Whatsapp and I already use facebook, my personal information, like my real name can be easily found, as well as my address. Since Whatsapp is owned by facebook and you have a facebook account, well they already have all the information about you, don't need to worry about them transferring info from Whatsapp to Facebook.

This is all for targeting ads and making money.

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