
Happy 10th Birthday Facebook news feed!

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Happy 10th Birthday Facebook news feed!

Oh my gosh, it feels like we have always had Facebook and always had news feed right?

So I saw Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook where he shared a memory from 06 September 2006 where he launched news feed.

I love the explanation he shared about how Facebook didn't come out all at once all fully formed and functional. It was very much a work in progress and the news feed only came out 2 years after Facebook launched.

This just goes to remind us to keep working on our projects, keep adding to our websites and keep innovating and being better.

Happy Birthday Newsfeed!

Happy 10th Birthday Facebook news feed!


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Wow, the news feed was launched 10 years ago? Seems like it was just yesterday. Time flies by way too fast. Happy 10th Birthday Facebook news feed!

I remember when Facebook still had that basic dated template, you all remember? Remember when you could buy products that didn't have the social network buttons on them? I love going through memory lane, it's a bit nostalgic. Happy 10th Birthday Facebook news feed!

What was Facebook's latest update that was "innovative"? Seems they really haven't added anything new and innovative as up late.

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Yes I agree, it feels like yesterday for me too....time does fly when you think of technology now.

I don't think Facebook has added anything really new lately.

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Wait, so Facebook didn't have a feed right from the start? I remember I was a pretty late bloomer on Facebook. I always thought to myself this would be another trend that will eventually die out. I had a myspace account back in the day but my main social network was Hi5, most people in my country used it at the time and it was the only real social network we used.

So I created my Facebook account pretty late, somewhere in 2007 but I didn't become active until one year later when everyone abruptly switched from Hi5 to Facebook in a matter of months.

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Nope, the only way you could see what was happening with someone in your friends list was to go to their profile and have a look.

You know what? Everyone talks about Myspace and Hi5 but I never even joined those, my first social network was Facebook Happy 10th Birthday Facebook news feed!

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Haha well, you are unspoiled by lesser social media networks then. Hi5 was very popular but was awful altogether, full of ads and bad functionalities. I've joined Myspace but never made it my home.

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Yes I think Facebook is most certainly the most successful and widely used social network to date isn't it?

Facebook is where almost everyone is at. I heard a lot of teenagers don't want to be on Facebook now because their parents are there and they want to go incognito LOL...but I think by the time they reach their early twenties they will want to be on Facebook to be connected to their family.

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I've been using Facebook for the past 6 years and I must confess that I never knew that Facebook started in the year 2006 which makes it a long time that Mark has been running this social media site with the rest of his amazing team. I wish Facebook and their crew the very best on the journey to bring in amazing features that would always users of Facebook have the need to log in every passing day to read friends posts and well as chat with others on a daily basis.

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