
Can anyone recommend a free or low cost plagiarism checker that can be trusted?

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Can anyone recommend a free or low cost plagiarism checker that can be trusted?

So, I am in doubt about this as I never went through something like it. I sent in an order, and the buyer marked it as rejected as it indicated that there were plagiarized parts. However he did not indicate which parts were plagiarized, and so I sent him a message to ask him to kindly indicate the sentences or phrases that he is claiming to be plagiarized. However it has been over 2 days and he has not replied.
In the meantime I cannot do anything as apart from being sure that I did not copy anything, I also ran the articles through 2 different checkers and the results were okay.
Since these are free tools I was wondering whether anyone can recommend a good
plagiarism checker, that can be trusted, which will allow me to see what the problem might be.


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Hey EliteWriter,

I looked around and here are the top 10 free and paid services that I could come up with.

I would recommend using the free services first and if they all come back with the same results then you probably don't have to upgrade to a paid service. Some of these services also offer plugins if you have a wordpress website and you can do a check on the content after it's submitted. Most of them have a copy and paste system where you just put in your content and hit scan. A couple have limits of 400 to 500 words while others have higher limits to 1,000+ words to be scanned.

If you're going with a paid service, try to avoid copyscape because they're too darn expensive lol. You can pay for a service to check your content for duplicate sentences/paragraphs and it will be much cheaper than copyscape. Now copyscape is definitely good, but I can never justify how much they want for their credits to check content lol.

So check out all those services and figure out which works best for you Can anyone recommend a free or low cost plagiarism checker that can be trusted? Some are paid and some are free, it's up to you.

Hopefully this helps you out a bit Can anyone recommend a free or low cost plagiarism checker that can be trusted?

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Thanks a lot. I used two of them and the content came out as being unique. But since the buyer mentioned that his checker, Grammarly, identified plagiarized parts I was confused. The problem with Grammarly is that it does not demonstrate the sentences that are supposedly plagiarized. I will try the others too.

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Hey EliteWriter. I am so sorry you are having this problem, that really is awful.

I have been using the SmallSEOTools free plagiarism tool for a few years as sometimes people want me to publish content on my website for them.

I have honestly never tried any others but this seems to do the trick just fine for me so far.

I agree whole heartedly with Mike here. I am sure that your work is well researched and written from scratch. I would content the buyer and insist on more information otherwise take it up with support. It is just not right for a buyer to throw a comment like that out there and then not give any more information.

I order services and if I am unhappy with an order I don't reject or accept it, I first tell the seller exactly what I am unhappy about and I ask the seller to make right or I will reject it. I believe that this is the right way to go about it.

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Thanks Lynne. Thankfully it has been resolved since after I resubmitted it he approved it without any problem or comment whatsoever. I wish all buyers do as you do - it is so much better if only they contact you first before slapping a rejection immediately. From my experience things always work out afterwards.

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If you haven't copy anything, then it's not your job to Copyscape your own articles, that doesn't make any sense. I think you should deliver the order if you did everything specified in the service description. If the buyers still have a problem with your work, well better get prepared to get a negative review, even though I would prefer to negotiate further with the client instead of a negative review.

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hitmeasap is awesome. - But if you haven't copied anything, then there's no problem.. I bet the client rejected the order and claimed it to be plagiarism in an attempt to get the service for free. - Some people are greedy as f#ck. No matter if it's a service for $3 or $3000. - If you write something totally from your own mind there's no risk for plagiarism. It's impossible. A few words or at the most, a sentence or two, might be identical, but that depends on the niche.

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