
PC purchase with Window 10 any good

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PC purchase with Window 10 any good

i think to buy pc with windows 10 installed on it and use it without formating is that good and safer?


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Of course. I personally like installing and configuring my own windows installation but nevertheless, new computers with windows 10 install are perfectly safe and legal, basically they have a paid version of Windows.

I has such an installation for the longest time on my laptop when I bought it, had it for about 3 years straight when I eventually needed to format because of some virus, but otherwise I had no problem, my PC was fully functional from minute one without any need of installing drivers and stuff like that.

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I got Windows 10 when I bought my latest laptop and everything was fine.

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I had my 1st problem with Win Expl. contextual menu in Windows 10. At Windows Explorer I had no way to create new folders, new txt files and a few related problems. Tried some fixes, worked for a few days, then the same problem until I reinstalled the OS.

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Yes of course it is. I think most are actually being sold with Windows 10 by now so it is not much of an option.

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I hate Windows 10, therefore if I decide to buy any new computer I will opt in for the Windows 7 operating system. However, if there ever comes a point in which I will no longer be able to downgrade to Window 7, I may have to just bite the bullet so to speak, and use that awful operating system.

One thing I hate about the operating system is the way it's all set up, and the fact that cortana generally logs everything you do. I don't want Microsoft being nosy with my keywords, and such, that is a blatant invasion of privacy which I do not condone in any way, shape or form.

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