
Today's Daily Laugh: Vain Tip Jar Message Will Mess with Your Head!

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Today's Daily Laugh: Vain Tip Jar Message Will Mess with Your Head!

For some people and small stores, waitresses, waiters or even those who work in the customer service sector serving people in cafe's and restaurants around the world. Tips help to supplement their income and they come to rely on them providing a great service to you in order to get a good tip in the premise that the better the service, the bigger the tip!

But according to this viral Reddit post, one ice cream bar has taken it a step further by using peoples own vanity against them as a way to get a tip by putting this jar in their store with this message written on the side which if you ask me is nothing but pure genius! Today

Like seriously. On a scale of $3 - $30, how attractive are you?

What I find particularly amusing though is that I only see a few pennies in the jar.

I'm not sure what that says for their customers. Today

How much would you put in this tip jar and why?


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What would I be thinking if I didn't tip them for trying to screw with my emotions? lol.

Actually, this is pretty clever, but who the hell would tip $15 on something from Cold Stone Creamery lol. I've never gotten ice cream for me and my family and thought "Hey, I should tip this guy $15 on a $30 bill". It's just ice cream and it's not actually that good. I much more prefer Oberweiss's peanut butter chocolate shakes because they are pretty damn amazing. But even then, I wouldn't tip them $15 lol.

Now I'm actually a good tipper when I go out. I'll tip a minimum of 20% on my bill and that's standard for me. The only reason I'll tip less than 20% is if the waiter or waitress really sucks at her job, and I mean they REAAAALLLY have to suck at their job.

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Thanks for pointing out that it is a cold stone creamery. The only time I have went into one of their shops is when I wanted a cup of coffee. As I recall I was traveling and I was stuck somewhere and they were the only choice for coffee. Maybe this is why you see the creative tip jar, because they have no customers and the employees are working the angles to maximize their income. Today

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Oh shame, that is so sad to think about.

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I love the idea Mike, it really is fun and creative. If anything this will get people to notice the tip jar more and even give a good laugh. If I am laughing I will be more likely to give a tip so it is brilliant.

However I have a few things to say about tipping... I am a good tipper like Razzy. If I go out to eat I also usually tip 20%. I have done a lot of waitressing in my day and the pay was so low that it was not even close to a live-able wage, it was laughable though.

I am not sure how much waiters and waitresses are paid now but in the years 1995 - 2008 when I did a lot of waitressing you couldn't live off of that salary at all, tips made up 95% of income. I just think that this is a wrong way to do things. Restaurants make lots of money, surely they should pay a living wage and a tip should be just that, a little extra from the customer to show that they did a good job.

Anyone employed should be paid a salary that they can live on by their employer.

Yes I have a gripe about it LOL.

But back to the tipping jar idea and then off on another tangent... we get a lot of people begging in our country. There are often people walking up and down with a sign asking for money. Usually the person looks like a beggar and the sign will say the standard thing about how he or she cannot feed his or her family.

Then one day I saw a young, quite smartly dressed man with a sign saying how he has no drinking money for the weekend and he is saving for an overseas trip and a fancy car... I laughed my head off and gave him a few bucks. I saw he was coining it.

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My initial thought is "Why is a business asking how attractive I think I am?". Generally a lot of people don't think they are attractive, or some believe that they are gods gift to this green Earth. I don't think that tip jar will ever get full because people won't tip like that from my own experience with tip jars.

However, they are on the right path of course, if they could only think of something more witty such as "How good do you feel today?", "Rate our service $3 to $30." I would be obliged to tip than but not based upon how attractive I think I am which is obviously not even a penny! LOL

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