
5 Ways To Monetize Your Website or Blog and make more money!

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5 Ways To Monetize Your Website or Blog and make more money!

1) Affiliate Marketing

You can start your affiliate marketing career by finding products that you like and want to recommend on your blog to your friends and the subscribers on email list.

Your typical commission will vary depending upon your chosen product. Some companies such as Amazon pay just a few percent of the total sale, while others like Clickbank can pay up to 75% and provide a full array of marketing tools, email news material and banners to make your job as marketer even easier.

2) Pay Per Click Advertising (Google Adsense)

If you have sufficient quality content on your site, you should consider signing up for Adsense to display their ads.

After signing up and being approved for Google Adsense you will receive a unique code that is integrated into Google Adsense banners. These banners can be placed on any part of your site that contains quality content.

Your share of clicks may be small or generous, depending upon the niche being targeted by the ads. from $2.50 to $10 per click.

3) Sell Ad Space

Adsense is not the only way to monetize your site and not always the highest paying either.

You can also sell ad space to other bloggers and companies in your niche.

The amount you are paid is usually per one thousand impressions (or CPM).

4) Sell Your Own Digital Product (Ebook for Example)

If you have niche expertise, you can easily make a good living by writing this knowledge into an ebook and selling to your website visitors. You can sell through your own site or blog or even Amazon or other ebook related sites.

5) Take Donations

Installing a 'buy me a coffee/beer' button on your blog side bar is a great way to ask for donations to your site. If your site visitors love you enough, they may be willing to donate to help you along on your journey.


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I've always been a fan of adsense and selling ad space on my websites.

I will have adsense up and running but have the option with a link that says "Want to advertise here?" and when the person clicks through it's a direct link to my advertising email. This way I don't lose any sales 5 Ways To Monetize Your Website or Blog and make more money!

I also like using BuySellAds because it automates almost everything that has to do with my ads. I can just put a strip of code on my website and I'll get an email whenever I get an interested buyer who is already willing to pay. I just have to confirm their banner ad and it goes live on my website 5 Ways To Monetize Your Website or Blog and make more money!

The only thing I'm not a huge fan of with BuySellAds is that you can get a lot of tire kickers and that's annoying. I'll get people contacting me to see if they can get a reduced price because they claim they will be a long time advertiser. Well, if they're going to be a long time advertiser then they can afford the full price of my ad, right? lol 5 Ways To Monetize Your Website or Blog and make more money!

The ease of using BSA is pretty nice though, I don't really have to go out and look for advertisers because there are a lot browsing the BSA ad spots that are up and running. Now BSA does get a cut for bringing you the client and automating a lot of it, but that's not a big deal 5 Ways To Monetize Your Website or Blog and make more money!

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Razzy this sounds really interesting, I have been wondering how to sell ad space on my website without putting too much effort into it, so BuySellAds sounds really awesome.

I would be more than happy to give BuySellAds a cut for automating everything for me, I am wanting to do as little work as possible for as much money as possible.

Do you have any tips you can share with me on how I can work out my pricing for selling ads on my website? Is there a formula that you use to work this out?

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Think of how you would want your own ads to show up on a website and that's what you should do for your advertisers. Above the fold is always a great spot to have an ad because even if someone is going to bounce off the page, there's a chance they're bouncing to your website because they don't have to search for your ad. You can do a header banner or a side bar banner and those sell pretty well. I always look for the bigger 728x90 banners for the header and the 300x250, 250x300 or 250x250 banners if I'm buying a side bar banner spot. I sometimes buy a 125x125 banner ad on the side bar if there is only a couple that show and my ad doesn't rotate with 20 others. I'll think of where I want my ads because that's where they will be seen the most and have the best click through rates. So if you do the same thing you will be able to increase the amount of subscribers you have every month. You may not sell all your ad spots in one month, but if you show a good CTR then people will stay signed up for months. I know I've personally been signed up with one person through BSA for the last 2 years lol 5 Ways To Monetize Your Website or Blog and make more money!

As for pricing, you'll need to study your niche. If your competitor is selling a CPM ad at $5.00 per measure, you can do $4.00 per measure and sell more 5 Ways To Monetize Your Website or Blog and make more money! For monthly ads you'll need to think of your pricing in terms of how many impressions it will get. Do a CPM estimate kind of. If you're getting 100,000 impressions you can charge $150 but you may not sell all your ad space. You'll need to test the ad spaces and pricing to figure out what works best for your niche 5 Ways To Monetize Your Website or Blog and make more money!

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Hi jkeyz2 thanks for your nice sharing. I read your all topic and I agree with your all points like 1-5. Most of the newbie thinking only blog can monetize by Google adsense. And they are main intend to get Google adsense. But, many other way has for monetize blog. Like site space sell, affiliate sell or site link sell or review sell etc. I hope your all points will be help to newbie for monetize blog to other way. And I most prefer buysellad instead of Google adsense. Though both advertise has basic different. Once you get approve by buysellad, you never need to look behind.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Thanks Jkeyz2, this is a great post for newbies. I agree with what Ajlancer said that a lot of new bloggers don't know how to monetize their blogs in different ways.

I'm interested in point number 5 where you say donations. I read somewhere that lots of readers find this quite cheeky. Although I suppose it depends how it is done. Having it say "Buy me a cup of coffee" sounds way much better than a donate button that says "Donate" because this just comes across as beggining!

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I have not sold my ad space yet. I have ebooks published on Amazon however, I have never sold ebooks from my websites. I have monetized my websites with adsense and affiliate ads. I am also yet to try donation as a way to make money. I don't think donation will become a good revenue source. Why would people donate to you? I don't think a blogger can give a valid reason. Selling ad space can be a good way to make money, however it will work only if you have huge traffic.

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I have been seeing websites with a button for donations. It never occurred to me that someone would donate money to the website. Have you experienced receiving donations for your website or is this just a notion? In one local site that I used to visit, the admin had admitted that the site needs financial support for the expenses hence she was posting the call for donations from time to time. And from what I know, no one has yet donated money.

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