
How does changing a theme affect my featured images?

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How does changing a theme affect my featured images?

I am interested in changing the themes of two of my websites in the very near future. One thing that concerns me is that the featured image sizes would then need to change wouldn't they?

How would I go and then change the featured images for so many blog posts? This could take a huge amount of time.

I am sure there is a way to change my featured image sizes without physically uploading new images but what about when the featured image size is quite small, for example for my one there those images are 250*175. If I make those images larger they will look awful.

I am such a dummy when it comes to graphic design so please explain in a very simple way How does changing a theme affect my featured images?


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While working with WordPress (as you probably do) it's always recommended to add large and quality images, probably not less then 800 pixels wide. That's for your future reference How does changing a theme affect my featured images?

It's true that different theme using different size of images to display in your post. But it doesn't mean that you will need to change anything. It just depend how your current theme is setup and how your future theme will work. Lately most of themes using 100% wide images so it can be responsive and mobile / website / tablet ready. You may test it by switching to new theme for few minutes and see how it look.

In case that you need to change sizes of featured images displaying in your posts, there is some plugins that will help you to resize all thumbnails in one click, will try to find which one works best, so i will let you know. But certainly you won't need to do it one by one manually! WordPress is very advanced CMS and people added many good features for it, there is fix for almost any problem you can have.

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Thank you Anwebservices. Yes I was quite worried about that, I have a lot of posts and I am just not up for changing images manually! That is a reason why I was not wanting to look at a theme change quite yet.

It is nice to know that there are plugins I can use. I will check in with everyone and ask for help if I face any problems when I get there.

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Back up everything and just do and test and see what happens. Changing from one theme to another is no easy task and you most certainly will have a lot of bugs if the 2 theme are not compatible.

My advice, never make change without a backup. If you mess anything up you can always come back to a state where everything was better. Do you have your website on a local server? If no, do the changes on local and only after multiple tests, upload everything in the live server.

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I think you need to follow the advise given by Mike for he is experienced when it comes to things about blogging and all that. Try that and get back at me.

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