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We all know that there is a lot that goes into ranking content and keywords, but what happens when your content ranks but your title is not captivating enough so nobody clicks on your post?
Power words are words that invoke emotion, words that are powerful enough to get readers to click on your content.
Once a reader has clicked on your content your primary purpose is to get that reader to take one specific, clear action.
Using power words in your call to action will increase your conversions.
It is quite amazing how one single word can make such a difference.
How do you incorporate power words into your content?
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That's why power words are something totally different. Power words should also contain targeted keywords in my opinion.
Here is a very cool list of power words: https://smartblogger.com/power-words/ - 317 words to be more exact. Use them wisely! I think we need to separate Power Words from Click Bait Words. People have started to recognize click bait words and they stopped clicking on they, just like ads they've become pretty indivisible to some users. That's why power words are something totally different. Power words should also contain targeted keywords in my opinion. Here is a very cool list of power words: https://smartblogger.com/power-words/ - 317 words to be more exact. Use them wisely!
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