
Captivate Your Audience and Skyrocket your Traffic using Power Words

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Captivate Your Audience and Skyrocket your Traffic using Power Words

We all know that there is a lot that goes into ranking content and keywords, but what happens when your content ranks but your title is not captivating enough so nobody clicks on your post?

Power words are words that invoke emotion, words that are powerful enough to get readers to click on your content.

Once a reader has clicked on your content your primary purpose is to get that reader to take one specific, clear action.

Using power words in your call to action will increase your conversions.

It is quite amazing how one single word can make such a difference.

How do you incorporate power words into your content?


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I think we need to separate Power Words from Click Bait Words. People have started to recognize click bait words and they stopped clicking on they, just like ads they've become pretty indivisible to some users.

That's why power words are something totally different. Power words should also contain targeted keywords in my opinion.
Here is a very cool list of power words: - 317 words to be more exact. Use them wisely!

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Thanks for sharing that Cristian, I will have a look through those!

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Sometimes it takes me a half hour just to write up a couple ads because I'm so picky about the wording used within them. Luckily there is an option on most PPC platforms to run multiple ads under one campaign Captivate Your Audience and Skyrocket your Traffic using Power Words

I like using power words in the ads because, as you said, they invoke an emotion like happiness. I try to not piss people off with my ads so that they don't post garbage on my sites, I want the happy people to come post exciting stuff or buy what I'm selling Captivate Your Audience and Skyrocket your Traffic using Power Words

Another thing I like to do is post numbers in my titles, descriptions and ads. Doing this breaks up the sentence a bit and pulls the attention of the user. Adding numbers won't get you 500% more clicks, but you will see a benefit in doing so. I think my best ad was one that I took my sweet time setting up, probably an hour, and it had power words along with numbers. I really did some crafty marketing techniques to increase the click through rate on my ad and it did pay out in the end. I don't remember my exact ROI, but I do know I was close to 300% lol.

You can do the same thing for your websites pages and increase your click through rates. Adding power words as well as numbers to your titles and descriptions will make it so people who see your listing in the SERPs will want to click through Captivate Your Audience and Skyrocket your Traffic using Power Words

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Thanks Razzy, I like what you said about wanting the happy people to be on your website. The way I understand the power words is that it can invoke different types of emotions, so it can work on positivity but it can also work on fear or negativity too.

I have also heard about the power of adding numbers to your posts. I have done that a few times in my content but I have not really done any testing to see how effective it has been. I do need to do some testing, I believe that is one area I have fallen short.

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My understanding of power words are words that create impact on the subject matter. For example the topic is about the illegal butchering of dogs for the meat, maybe you can make the title more forceful by using the word murder instead of butcher because just the sound of murdering is already a crime while butchering can apply to legal killing of animals. That’s just my idea although I don’t really go for power words because I am not really good at it. I have to admit that my vocabulary is not so wide.

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