
SAHIFA - WordPress News Magazine Style Theme (Review)

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SAHIFA - WordPress News Magazine Style Theme (Review)

Have you ever wanted to make absolutely stunning news magazine website developed on WordPress content management system? I would really recommend using Sahifa News Magazine Style Theme which can be bought from for $89.

SAHIFA - WordPress News Magazine Style Theme (Review)

I am using this theme on multiple blogs for some years and it really worth every penny i paid for it. Incredible features, great design, SEO friendly, fast loading, easy browsing, great extra plugins built in, multicolor designs, easy to translate to any language and many other features, making this theme to stand out!

Sahifa is also one of the best selling themes at for magazine style. But also can be used easily for personal blog and many different niches and yet provide professional looking website.

Administration panel is equipped with some really great features too, including about 400 different layout options, over 150 Google fonts to use for different styles.

It is also ready to use for WooCommerce to build your online retail shop, ready template for bbPress to build your own forum, complete templates for BuddyPress to build your own social network style blog for multiusers.

Equipped with review system which you can use for reviews with star rating. Includes $114 worth of great plugins totally FREE.

In short, i guess it have everything you would ever dream of to have such awesome website. For more details visit this complete description on sales page. Also check the demo website to have look at this beauty in action.

Love to hear, how you feel about this theme.



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Oh nice, thanks for the recommendation. Would this suit an online marketing blog do you think? I am going to be looking at buying a Premium theme for it soon!

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Well if you look at the demo of this theme on provided link, you will note all beauty this theme offer. It can be used for online marketing blog too. It's all up to your taste i guess.

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Holy Sh*t! They sold this theme almost 22,000 times lol SAHIFA - WordPress News Magazine Style Theme (Review) That's $3,298,000 for just one theme lol SAHIFA - WordPress News Magazine Style Theme (Review) I wonder what kind of cut themeforest gets with every sale. I know they charge a $4 processing fee, so that's an extra $69,000 just for themeforest to hold a file for the developer.

I just looked up the earning potential from themeforest and if you make $115,000 or more, you get 70% of the sale. And that's only if you're exclusive to Themeforest meaning you don't sell your theme anywhere else.

Here's what I found:
SAHIFA - WordPress News Magazine Style Theme (Review)

So since Themeforest gets 30% from each sale of this theme, they've made $589,400 and counting SAHIFA - WordPress News Magazine Style Theme (Review)

Ok, now I'll get back to my review. Sorry, I got side tracked when I saw the amount of sales lol. Over all I really like the theme because it has so many features that you can edit and tweak to your liking. I'm a huge fan of customizing a theme so that it looks unique and not like the theme in the demo, so this one is getting an A+ from me SAHIFA - WordPress News Magazine Style Theme (Review)

I actually just bought a great news type wordpress theme and now I'm wishing I would have waited a week because I would have bought this one SAHIFA - WordPress News Magazine Style Theme (Review)

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I always wanted to buy this Sahifa theme, looks cool and seems pretty versatile. But all of my programmer friends told me this theme is pure crap. With a lot of unnecessary code, leftover thing from other platforms and so on. Apparently, it doesn't worth the trouble.

You'll have to give it quite some time and effort to make it run somewhat decently. I would really like to see if any popular website use this theme! Seriously, if a popular website that really has a lot of traffic is using this, then I'm sold and probably gonna buy it in the new future.

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Well i shared my own experience and if you look that there is over 22K sales plus all these good ratings, i am not sure if your friends are right about their opinions. I believe there is other quality themes too, but i never had any problem running my websites with Sahifa. Honestly

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This is not within my budget. I have an online magazine and I use Color Mag theme, which is a free theme. The theme has every thing that I want, for instance, banner ad space and side bar ad unit. This is a great theme for magazine.
I have never tried any premium themes. I don't doubt that Shifa is great, however, paying $89 for a theme is out of context for me. I would rather prefer this money in marketing instead of buying a theme.

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