
How to create a new services?

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How to create a new services?

Please tell me how to create and get approved for new services. I don't want to be turned down. What can I do to create good services and have them approved, something that will appeal to a buyer.

Please anyone SeoCclerks brother help me


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Hey there SMMmuhammad,

Just so you know, since you're level 1 you can only post 5 services to start off. Once you level up you can add more. That being said, I would suggest you offer your services at a lower price just to get sales and rank up as quick as possible How to create a new services? Add the services you know will sell and then reduce the price of them, this way people will buy and you will get positive reviews and a few sales under your belt. Ranking up isn't too difficult but the level system is necessary because not everyone can be level 9,000 and post 1,000s of services right at the start. The limitation is good because it puts off bad sellers wanting to sell garbage How to create a new services?

The best way to create a service page where you want to sell something is to do the following.
  • Have a good thumbnail image for your service. Choose something that clearly identifies your service so that people get a better understanding of what you're selling before they even click through. Or you could go with a flashy (not actually flashing) image that pulls attention to your listing.
  • Be sure to write up your service description well. Having a lot of broken grammar will push people away simply because of the language barrier. It's sad, but true.
  • After your description, whether it's short or long, be sure to add some images in there to break up the content. You can even use an Infographic to show everything that you were going to type up.
  • Have good add ons that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. This will not help you get accepted, but it will increase your profits How to create a new services?
  • Don't spam the support team to accept your service listing. This is just annoying and you don't want someone who you've annoyed to review your service for acceptance into the system How to create a new services?

Well, those are the basics How to create a new services?

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You got some good points on how to get a service page started razzy. I think I like that you had took the fact to mention on not to spam the support team as you would be "annoying" and I feel that is a good point it is usually best to let them get to things when they have time or when it best fits there schedule . Also grammar is very important too I believe there are times where my grammar is not always the best but I'm working on that as we speak to be honest , it's a work in progress .

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I would also check the TOS to make sure that the service you are selling doesn't go against the Seocheckout terms of service.

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