
Aug 8 2016 - Earth Overshoot Day!

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Aug 8 2016 - Earth Overshoot Day! is a website created to remind u that nothing last forever, and teaching us how to save our planet ecological resources, through six steps that they have publish on their website. So, now you know what I’m talking about..yesterday on Aug 8 was Earth Overshoot Day, and global footprint network announced that we have used more resources than our planet is capable to regenerate in one year, and this could be very serious if we will continue in this way without doing something to prevent it. Another thing, they are giving to anyone a chance to win a GoPro camera, or ticket to the Moon Hammock, all you need to do is to share your photos of your pledges into earth overshoot map or sharing them in social media with hashtag #pledgefortheplanet.

What is Earth OvershootDay?

Ecological Debt Day (EDD), also known as Earth Overshoot Day, is the calculated illustrative calendar date on which humanity's resource consumption for the year exceeds Earth's capacity to regenerate those resources that year.

Video illustration of Earth OverShootDay!

We all what know about GoPro is, but this is really amazing...and who would not want go there ...

How hard is to accomplish this mission?
What are your thoughts on this?

Feel free to share your opinion! Aug 8 2016 - Earth Overshoot Day!


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Reducing meat consumption is one of many ways in reducing our ecological footprint

I am a vegan so I am already doing that. I'll list below some ways of reducing your footprint. Remember we have one planet we all live on, so treat it well!

Meat consumption
The land in which farm animals graze are nutrient depleated. Therefore farmers need to readd nutrients to the soil to grow food for the animals, if you cut your meat intake in half you could do a lot of good. Not only can you cut your meat intake by half, you should also do cut your dairy intake in half as well.

High MPG Vehicles
Instead of driving your diesel trucks around, hummers, or many other trucks or SUVs that guzzle gas, you should opt for high MPG vehicles. Not only would you be saving money, you'll also be helping the planet.

I recycle just about everything. They say that 70% of all your trash is actually recycleable. Go recycle!

Turning off lights
I always turn off lights, just because im so use to it, I usually turn everything off mostly becuase it lowers the bills!

These are some common ways to reduct your carbon footprint on a more individual level.

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I personally think this is a great idea, and I will be posting something on my instagram about this.

The flaw is corporate America and big industrial areas like China, Japan, United States are dumping raw waste to reduce money spent. It's all about money, and that's what the big problem is. It's the industrial areas that put everything at risk. Including airports, which is why I think using super fast trains is way more efficient. Planes take so much longer, but trains are awesome! Minimal security evaluation, and no time to taxi to the runway, Amtrak in my opinion is the best way to travel from state to state, and it's cheaper!

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I don't care of this day since 1% of people are responsible by this consequence. They, the 1%, who own 99% of world's wealth, are the only responsable by what is happening every day with us. We think what and how they want (like to reduce the meat consumption and other bull shit). We eat and drink what they want. We live (like poor or a little up) how they want. We are alive how long they want ( btw it's rumored that WW3 is comming).

In next decades we'll see that looking like Auschwitz victims will be the "normal" weight and condition of people. Maybe then we'll eat meat made from oil and it will be more "healthy" than being vegan (btw, what vegan could some people to be since they eat GMO food?).

So, I repeat: this day is a bull shit created by 1% to brain wash people that they (the normal people) are responsible.

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