
Google Rank Brain - Ask Me Anything - August 11

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Google Rank Brain - Ask Me Anything - August 11

Ok, so here is a very big opportunity for all of use to learn a lot more about SEO from Google itself!

How cool is that? Google Rank Brain team will hold an AMA (Ask me anything) on 11 of August!

You can place your answers right HERE

Google Rank Brain - Ask Me Anything - August 11

So if you guys have any questions about Google Rank Brain update or anything else Google related you can write your questions and some of them may be answered by Google people on 11 August.

There will be a total of 21 people from Google plus "may more invited" so we ain't talking about a small gathering here, a lot of stuff will be discussed and I'm sure lots of good tips will be "leaked".

Most good SEOs always follow such events because they have the chance to confirm certain ranking factors and scenarios. People already had posted the most incredible questions, home at least some of them will get answered making things clearer for us SEOs.


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hmmmm I wonder what questions they will try to avoid like the plague lol Google Rank Brain - Ask Me Anything - August 11

Examples of what they won't answer, most likely:
  1. Can you show us how the search algorithm works exactly?
  2. How can we game RankBrain?
  3. Can I get a job at Google?
  4. How do I get my website to #1 in the SERPs (similar to #1 lol)
  5. How do I set up the perfect Adwords campaign?

I wonder if they will have people who are pre picked to ask questions so that they know what is going to be asked and in what order. A system like this can be gamed so the person answering the question does it flawlessly lol.

What kind of restrictions do you think they'll have on the AMA (ask me anything)? I'm sure they won't allow anything personal like asking when the last time they made love was. Most likely no one will be able to ask anything about a topic that doesn't include RankBrain, like an adwords or analytics question.

AMAs are always a good thing, but they aren't great at the same time. You're letting the community in to ask whatever question is on their mind, with limitations obviously. But these aren't always a great thing because people get pissed off that their questions aren't being answered. On one side of it you're pushing out information about the service, website, etc. But you're only putting out what you really want to, and you won't go above and beyond what you think will be too much Google Rank Brain - Ask Me Anything - August 11

I like and hate AMAs at the same time lol Google Rank Brain - Ask Me Anything - August 11

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Yeah, Razzy they won't answer "how does Google algorithm works?" And it's pretty stupid to even ask the question from my point of view.

Of course, many people won't have an answer, the vast majority, in fact, won't have an answer, but the questions the DO answers, that's what interests me!

Remember when Matt Cutts answered questions? He cleared a lot of stupid misconceptions about SEO for me at least, and I always look forward reading such valuable answers and interpret them to death. Google Rank Brain - Ask Me Anything - August 11

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Hahaa yes I bet it will be gamed Razzy!

It may be a Google "Ask Me Anything" but you can bet your ass they won't give an answer to everything that is asked. There will be a lot of questions that are not answered due to things like a "time limitation".. you know those.

It goes like this...

"Folks we have time for one last question, yes what is your question sir?"

"Hi yes, can you tell me how the search algorithm works exactly?"

"Oh wow, would you look at the time, thanks everyone it turns out we've run out of time".

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So basically they want you to ask redundant questions, and will not answer the ranking algorithm question? Are you kidding me?! What is the point of the "Ask me Anything" if they are going to dodge the big questions?! Couldn't anyone just google their question and find information on it? That's what I would do.

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Well not really. Google Brian team is more about research, science and Artificial Intelligence development.

They're doing pretty interesting and pioneering stuff so we'll have a lot more stuff to ask than just "how does google algo work pls tell"

Also, I don't what them to spill the beans on everything about Google Algorithm. What is the fun in that? Plus I'm pretty sure I won't have a job anymore if that happens.

It's way more fun to interpret the answers they do give and figure out for yourself what works and what doesn't. This is why I've found SEO interesting in the first place. Gave me the ability to develop my own process of ranking websites and having success and selling that success as a skill and a job.

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I’m also interested with the algorithm of Google although I’m sure there will be no direct answer because the algorithm is a secret of the search engines. Another question I would like to as Google is the issue of the keyword stuffing and excessive backlinks. I just want to know if what I had read about the penalties and sanctions of a site that does keyword stuffing and excessive backlinks are true.

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