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Since internet celebrating it's 25th anniversary, lets see what happened behind this history.
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How you really feel about existence of internet and how did it affect your life?
Pretty great. The internet or the WWW, or both is a very vital technology that is used worldwide, on many devices. It connects information to billions of people around the globe. It has affected my life positively because I can earn an online income via the internet/www.
Is there more positive or negative things about internet?
I would say there is more positive things about the internet. Surely there is always a negative aspect, but for the internet/www, the positive truly outweighs the negative.
Did it improve our lifestyles, or did it destroy our traditional socializing?
Yes, and no. It neccessarily didn't destroy our traditional aspect of socializing. I come to believe that it has enhanced it, because we can connect to people from all over the globe that we wouldn't be able to speak to. Plus, the cost of the internet is roughly cheaper than a long distance phone call.
How long and how often you using internet?
I've been using the internet/www since the late 1990s, and early 2000s. I use the internet now everyday for hours at a time.
Would life be boring without internet?
Yes, my life would be boring without internet, because I won't be able to enjoy my entertainment media as I do now. Netflix, and Hulu wouldn't exist. Can you imagine a world without Netflix & Chill? I can't.
Are you addicted to using internet?
Yes, very addicted. However, it's a good addiction. I know when to "log off" from the internet so it doesn't effect me physically. Such as eye issues, or even sitting for prolong periods of time. I normally take breaks to stand and walk around, or do a couple of exercises to get the blood pumping.
I would like for others to chip in, would be very interesting to hear others experiences.
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