
Should I use Microsoft Word to type out my content or not?

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Should I use Microsoft Word to type out my content or not?

I like using Microsoft Word to do all my writing, then I like to save my Word document in Dropbox just because I like to be organized.

Then I copy and paste my content to my Wordpress website. I heard a while back that this is not a good idea, I can't remember exactly why. I think it had something to do with the format when it copied through? I was advised to write my content directly on my Wordpress website.

I started doing this for a while and now I have heard that it is fine to write my content on Wordpress and copy it over.

Please can someone clarify this for me because I sometimes get confused with all the contradicting things that I hear all the time.


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Yes, if you copy and paste directly from MS Word you may also copy the text format. To avoid this just ctrl+c for copy and then ctrl+shift+v for unformatted paste in Wordpress. Or you can just copy paste it in a notepad and the copy paste into Wordpress.
Hope I helped. Cheers.

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Thanks for clearing this up Cristian, I really appreciate it. Sometimes I just get so confused with all the different things that people tell me!

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I've always written my content in notepad just to avoid any problems lol Should I use Microsoft Word to type out my content or not?

But you can also do like Cristian said and copy/paste the content into notepad from word and then from notepad to your wordpress page. The format problem when copying and pasting gets annoying when it's late and you just want to go to bed but you have a few things to write. You'll copy and paste the content and then save it to your wordpress site or blog, then when you check it looks all messed up haha Should I use Microsoft Word to type out my content or not? So to be safe, jut use notepad before you post to your blog or website Should I use Microsoft Word to type out my content or not?

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I always write on MS word and copy paste on my wordpress sites. While copying, formatting will also be copied and I do formatting again. I did not know we could avoid copying the formatting by control shift V. I never write on wordpress directly because I never publish just written content. When I publish any article that will be edited and rewritten numerous times. Therefore, I use word program.

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Like you, I also write everything on a Word document, whether it is an article or posts in forums. That Word document is the archive of my writings. And if something goes wrong in the site, at least I have a copy of my articles. I'm not aware of the formats in Wordpress but I haven't encountered any problem with the copy-paste procedure that I do all the time. In fact, this post now is first written on a Word document and copied to this body of message.

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Contrarily, when I am posting on forums and discussion boards, I write my messages directly on the text box. Even when I am doing blog commenting or writing email, I directly write in the text box. I write on the word program only when I am writing articles or books.

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I think using the Google Doc can be even more better option. Here your content is already in the cloud. And you just have to type as normal. And it can take you ahead with the available saving drafts. You can export the google docs to desktop in the libreoffice format or the word format. So it can work out in either scenario as well.

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