
Ranking for keywords with zero searches?

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Ranking for keywords with zero searches?

Do you think it's worth ranking for keywords that have an average of zero monthly searches in Google Keyword planner?

I'm referring to keyword speculations, figuring out in advance which keyword may become popular or may start to have monthly searches?
It may be hard to rank for already popular keywords but for keywords with zero competition its a piece of cake!

Anyone here doing such keyword speculation? I did it a couple of times in the fashion industry for certain products that I knew for sure color based searches would take off.
For example: the term "socks" just become popular, it's only natural people will also search for "red socks", "black socks and so on.

Any other methods of looking into the future?


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I do this a lot with SEO related terms. I will try to rank for long tailed keywords that no one is trying to target just so if they do become a key focus in the ranking factors, I will already be there reaping the rewards Ranking for keywords with zero searches?

It's actually a smart thing to do for yourself and clients if you have them. I've had some ecommerce clients that sell clothing ask me "Why are you trying to rank for Example Keyword if no one is searching for it. I won't make any money". And I always follow up with "What if Kim Kardasian wore Example Keyword and started a trend? Your website will be at #1 of Example Keyword and you will make so much money that you will be able to retire". After I tell them this, they quickly come up with a list of odd keywords that I can target lol Ranking for keywords with zero searches?

I'll do the same thing in adwords and bing/yahoo advertising. Even if the keyword shows "Low to no search traffic" I'll keep it on my campaign because you never know when a keyword will blow up. I've had a keyword show that there is an extremely low search volume and I won't get clicks for a few months. The good thing is that I'm not paying anything for the keyword to just sit in my account. The great thing is that since my keyword is there and I've been willing to pay for it, I usually get the first placement for a few days and for a fraction of the cost after the keyword blows up and becomes viral lol Ranking for keywords with zero searches? An example of this was when I was paying for "backlinks 2.0" and "web 2.0 backlinks" started becoming a huge thing. I had a surge in sales with an insane ROI since I already had it in my campaign with a high relevancy rating Ranking for keywords with zero searches?

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Isn't all this time consuming? I usually target keywords without any searches when I'm almost certain some trends will pick up at one point. But I hate shooting in the dark like this, because it takes a lot of time develop quality content.
Have you ever got that big hit you've waited for? Or are you just keep trying?
As I said, I did had success most of the times, but the keywords didn't blew in popularity much.

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This is interesting Cristian. I have come across loads of keywords during my keyword research that have no competition and no searches. Usually I ignore those because I didn't see much point in targeting them.

However there was one keyword that according to my research had no monthly searches but I had to go with it because it was the company I was reviewing. I wanted to review that company for reasons other than organic search. I haven't checked my keyword tool recently to see what the traffic is, but it is one of my most read posts on my website, I get regular organic traffic to that post and regular subscribers from the post.

So based on this experience I would say that there are times when targeting a keyword with zero traffic can be very worthwhile. It is not always about getting ranking and organic traffic anyway. Content should be valuable for your readers. If you can't rank a post, or if the keywords have no traffic but you need to cover that content you must go with it.

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When it comes to keywords, the only thing I know is to make the keyword directly relevant to the item that it tags. I understand that using ordinary keywords can be at a disadvantage since there is a big number of users with that tag. However, the choice of the search engine is not clear when it comes to keywords so I guess the fight for the position is just fair.

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