
How to SEO long long tail keywords?

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How to SEO long long tail keywords?

I am not sure if that title makes a lot of sense? Let me explain, ok so long tail keywords are by their very nature long.

The meta title has an optimum length and very often I have not been able to fit my full long tail keyword in there because it has become too long and I worry that will have a negative impact on my SEO.

I have also heard that the alt description for images should be a maximum of maybe 5 or 6 words. So what happens if your keyword is 7 or 8, maybe even 9 words?

How do you optimize your page for SEO when your long tail keyword is well, just too long?


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Lynne Google had actually increased this year the optimal length of both titles and meta description (what actually shows in Google Index). Titles can now go to 70 or 71 characters (I think it was 60 in the past) and meta description can now go up to 270-280 characters.

So how long are your long tail keywords? I doubt you will find any good long tail keywords beyond 70 characters.
Also, keep in mind if it has searches, Google will not penalize you for using a very long keyword.
Also the time of very long tailed keywords is kinnda gone, from what I'm reading lately is all about the middle length keywords now.

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The long tail keyword does not need to be too long for example. When people are searching online they do not use grammatically correct language, the search term is not a complete sentence. For example, when someone is searching for the wild elephant pictures in Africa, his search term will be something like "wild elephant pics africa" he is unlikely to use The Wild Elephants Pictures in Africa. You can keep your long tail search term short by omitting stop words.

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