
Where do you get your keyword ideas from?

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Where do you get your keyword ideas from?

Finding the right keywords is a really demanding task. One that can be pretty boring if you lack inspiration on a certain topic or niche.

I've found that Wikipedia is a great place to get keyword ideas. I always read a little Wikipedia to get more information on the niche I'm working on.
A more unusable place of getting good keyword are real books, you can find really good keywords just by reading the chapter titles or overall book table.
Facebook groups and Question and Answer Networks may also provide a good deal of keyword ideas.

What other sources of getting good keyword ideas do you guys have?


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Hi Cristian Thanks for your question. And you also give some way for selecting keywords or get idea from some sources. I never used those for getting keyword idea. I just follow a process when I need to choose any keyword. I used mainly google keyword planner tools getting keywords idea. Before start work, I just set a plan what related of my topic. Than I am going to find most popular keywords on google. Then I get back on google keyword planner tools to research competitors and analyses form suggested keywords depend on monthly search etc. And try to use long or short tail keyword basis on my product or content.
I do not know how good it is but for me working very well.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Seems to me Aj like this keyword planner tool might be a great asset to have handy it looks like it makes things so much more simple and easy to work with , according to you all it is is basically just use this tool to find the most popular and most type words that relate around your topic of discussion which can be a great help it is like a data base of key words and as long as it matches your subject it can be considered a real useful asset in creating new discussion on SEO in the future

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Hi jkeyz2 I never rely to other tools instead google keywords planner tool. On the internet, many tools available for getting keyword idea. But for me, google keyword planner tools is better and it is look like google planner tools only give real report. You can research keyword many ways by google planner tools. is not it?

Regards by Ajlancer

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I have read so many praises on Google Keyword Planner that I think it is effective when it comes to the right keyword for your niche. However I am still for the traditional keyword use that comes from the head. I know it is not scientific nor methodical but isn’t it more fun when the keyword comes from your head and not from any tool or software? I feel like webmasters are now creating web pages for the search engines and not for the readers anymore.

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That is quite a good idea to find suitable keywords to rank on Google. Normally, I do research on my niche as well and find popular keywords that people search on Google which is related to my niche. For this, I use Google Trends. I normally aim to get relatively popular keywords but I also make sure that they are not too popular so I don’t have to compete with too many websites. I also try to relate my keywords back to my content; I find popular words that are used on my website and rank those keywords as they will do well if it always appears in my content.

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And I think you are on to something I believe it does take a certain a mount of research to be able to come up with key words for your topic of discussion whether your writing a article a tutorial or even just sharing a funny video the point is in order to put key words in place you have to make sure that any and if all the words you are using are completely relevant to the topic at hand I mean it's ok to branch of time too time but it is always best to make sure you stay on topic

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I usually have a topic before I have my keyword. I then run through a few ideas of keywords that will work for my content. I like to go for long tail keywords that have a good to small amount of traffic but hardly any competition on the keyword research. I sometimes use alphabet soup techniques to find more ideas.

Then when I have a few options that I can choose from I do a competitor analysis before I make my final choice of keywords to target. This method works really well for me so far.

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i like that Lynne you play it smart, I noticed how you went in to mention some thing about Using long tailed key words and what not. And personally Lynne I think that you really may be on to some thing there as you also mentioned it is best to work with key words that have barely any completion in other words you want to make sure traffic works in your favor and I feel this is some thing smart to think about when thinking about key words for your topics cause the less competition for your words the More you'll end up in search results

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Jkeyz2 I find that competition for a keyword plays a vital role. I was doing it all the wrong way around to begin with because I was first looking for keywords with loads of traffic and not focusing at all on how many people were competing for that keyword. Then I cottoned on to the fact this was not working and why.

I started focusing then on lower traffic and very low competition.This is when things started changing slowly for me. I couldn't understand though why some keywords with hardly any competition would sometimes not rank anywhere but some keywords would. I then started learning about analyzing the competition.

The way I see it is if you aren't on page 1 why bother right? So if there are 10 competitors, that sounds great but what if it is almost impossible to beat those 10? You will never be on page 1!

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I kind of skimmed over what everyone said, so hopefully no one mentioned this lol Where do you get your keyword ideas from?

I tend to go on Google and type in my main keywords. Yeah, seems dumb but keep listening lol Where do you get your keyword ideas from?

I'll enter my main keywords and then I'll scroll to the bottom and see the related searches.

Where do you get your keyword ideas from?
Now this is pretty similar to the keyword planner, but you won't see a lot of these keywords until you run a campaign in adwords or bing/yahoo advertising until you have been live for a few days and they offer you "opportunities". The opportunities will give you keyword suggestions based on your current keywords and what ads you have going.

I could be completely wrong though lol Where do you get your keyword ideas from? But this is a good, and super free, way of getting keyword ideas that you know have already been searched enough to show up as "related searches" Where do you get your keyword ideas from?

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smart it's a simplified tool

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personally I do not use any programs or tools to help me out I do not have any methods or different ways of finding key words my advice for this would be honestly to just brainstorm around your idea you know your topic and what it has to do with , try and find words that relate and can connect to your topic I usually just think my keywords off the top so I guess it is a little bit different from every one else but none the less common sense is making sure your key words and topic go hand in hand

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You should, its way easier than just thinking about them. They can help you get the most fantastic ideas!

@Mike thanks for the suggestions, never used - saved and bookmarked, will test next time I'm doing a research.
I was already using as well as Both are great and very helpful.

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I use many sources that are already listed above. For speed I will use scrapebox to get Tier-1 through Tier-4 keywords from Google, Yahoo, Bing, Amazon and all the other search engines. After I compile a big list I will then run the keywords through other programs. These extra steps helps to filter out the junk or super difficult keywords and identify the potential opportunities. Most of the time It will be a multi-step process to accomplish my desired keyword needs. The only bad part about keyword research is that the competition, CPC and search volume is very fluid and changing all the time so research never stops.

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