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Ok so you develop a brand new product and you put a lot of work developing it as well as designing the perfect landing page with the perfect call to action.
What do you do when it comes to testimonials? No matter what you are offering you need to have some sort of testimonials, especially if the product is new and people haven't heard about your brand yet.
Would you write fake testimonials?
I personally can sport fake testimonials from a mile away, those perfect pictures with everyone smiling and those standard names like "John Smith" give them away instantly.
But the question still remains, would you fake them and maybe try to make them look more natural?
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Finally I think this is an excellent idea.
Regards by Ajlancer Hi ?Cristian thanks for nice question. Simply I would like to say I never used fake or real testimonials for my any service or product. But, I saw many websites use testimonials as the way of what you said. I think testimonials is the very importance to make attract to new clients about any brand or product. And it is very effective way. If site or product owner use true or false testimonial, it may another discussion. But, few good testimonials may increase your product sell double. Some inexpert people going to believe what product owner write. I saw most of the software seller used testimonial as like previous customer feeling so much happy and rate as A+ etc. Finally I think this is an excellent idea. Regards by Ajlancer
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