
Tips for success in freelancing

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Tips for success in freelancing

I guess i still have to learn and to do until i reach my final success target, but i can also say that my current standings as full time freelancer is pretty solid and i am happy as it is now.
However, after i posted discussion seocheckout Thanks For Great Vacation, many members wanted to her more, how i get my success. I have to say that my journey to current success was very long and very rough, specially at beginning and it would be too long to write about all of it, but here i will write few general tips which will help you to clear your mind and doubts about freelancing.

  • First! Freelancing can be nice side job for extra income, but don't ever take it as a game! It can be great source of income if yu take it seriously!
  • If you want to earn more then few bucks, then invest your time and even invest your money, but be careful where and how much to invest!
  • If you going for full time freelancing, then run your job seriously as if you would run real business! Don't you think it's just fun. Determine your self to it completely.
  • Set your targets with clear picture what you want to gain, and go for it, no matter what happen.
  • Don't think it's always easy. If you fail, learn from your mistakes as quickly as possible, but don't let hard times to make you quit. All of us had ups and downs.
  • Always learn from successful people, no matter how good you are!
  • Always have something what motivates and inspire you to cheer you up and give you strength to go further.
  • Don't fear of failure!!! Risk is large part of any business and you never know what can hit you hard tomorrow.
  • Get the losers out of you life, they only slow you down.
  • Be surrounded by people with positive attitude who encourage and support you.
  • Don't sell crap and expect success and pride! Don't scam people if you building your success, because even if you succeed for some time, it will for sure wipe you OFF in future.
  • Respect others to be respected! Kindness always win.

surely there is a lot more, but this is basic things that are important for any business and freelancing too. So if you freelance just for fun, then these not matter anyway, but i hope that most of Seocheckout sellers are (and should be) serious about freelancing...

Feel free to add more tips from your experience, because, someone will read this in future too, and we are here to help each other Tips for success in freelancing

Good luck


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Those were some great tips, and they get you thinking. As I was reading through them I couldn't help but look back at what I did and what I've been through, and you are right to say that it takes effort, consistency and hard work to manage to succeed sometime. You need to offer a truly great service, each time, every time. And apart from that, if something goes wrong or you start feeling discouraged, do not lose hope, but rather try to focus on the ups, not on the downs. There are going to be times like these, but do not let them stop you.

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Hi anwebservices thanks for your nice sharing. Yes I do agree with your all points. All points really importance for a freelancer. I think these tips not only importance for freelancer but also all other job it is need to implement. Freelancing really nice job for earning money. I never think this is just an extra income, rather I am full time freelancer and my all expenditure manage from freelance jobs. Another points really importance learn from who already success on business and taking risk another part of successful business. As mentioned no risk no, gain. I like your another points learn from mistake. It is really great part of learning. If you do mistake to do something, quickly overview why that happen and try to alleviate.
Finally I should say, really you pointed some awesome facts for freelancer.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Thank you so much for sharing these tips Anwebservices. You've given some brilliant tips here for anyone wanting to succeed in anything.

The tip I loved the most is get rid of the losers in your life.

I did this last year and it is amazing how negative people can drag you down. I had an experience that changed me big time last year and since I made some very big chances for the better my life has just flown forward in leaps and bounds

I look back now and I wonder how I was so blind to negativity and what was going on. If I didn't get rid of the losers in my life I would never have made such progress.

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I know what you mean. I had people who told me, how can you possibly manage to spend all that time typing? Don't you get tired? Eventually there is not going to be a need for article writing services as there are already so many articles online. There was a person who kept suggesting I go back to a full time job. All these started to infuriate me, until I decided that rather than allowing them to discourage me I would be the one to discourage them by working harder and being more successful. And I did manage to do that - still going strong today.

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Good for you, that is what separates people like us from people like them.

The person I was spending a lot of time with was just so negative about everything and I never realized it while I was in the situation. I became very negative and unhappy too and I didn't even realize it.

It is what my mom refers to as "Not seeing the trees for the forest"... you can't see what is right in front of your face.

It is only when I let go of that person that it was almost like a fog lifting and I could then clearly see where I had been. It was quite a shocker.

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That's so true. I had same problem which was going for long time where someone was dragging me down and making me disbelieve in what i can do to go outside the box, I was consistently told that 9-5 job is more secure because you get your wage no matter what, while i was feeling all the time that i can make double of that money as freelancer. maybe not all the time, but if i added my music performing i would be gone much further much sooner. So it's never too late, but now i feel sorry that i didn't made than "clean up" long ago...

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Thank you so much about the tips that can really help me become a better freelancer. I had some struggles last week after weeks of positive reviews but I never want to let that put me down.

Freelancing can be daunting and a tiring task especially at the start, but with the right steps taken, victory is sure at the end.

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You are right that when taken seriously, freelancing can be a source of income and probably a livelihood that can take care of your daily expenses. My purpose in freelancing is to prepare for that – when I retire from my office job, I will have something to do and hoping that the rewards will be greater than what I am getting now so the earnings can cover some of my expenses if not all of it. But for now, I am not treating my freelancing as a game but more of a hobby although I am serious with it that’s why I also work even during the holidays.

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thank you! It was useful, really!

I always tell guys who are just starting their freelancing that you need to take this very seriously. After all, it is also not easy to get a client, let them go completely satisfied, find new ones.

I would also recommend always thinking about scaling what you are doing. Think about what kind of work brings more value, think about your business, your website, your agency. Read useful information, such as this one, or other people's success stories.

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