
Definition Of a quality backlink?

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Definition Of a quality backlink?

So tell me what you guys considered a quality backlink?I Want to know here the opinion of every one..!


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Quality backlinks are dofollow links from pages with Page Rank or at least high alexa rank and also good traffic. These are the ideal backlinks.

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Quality could also be defined as a link back from an authoritative .edu, .gov or .com site that already has both high page rank and good position in search engines.

Other factors could include the on page content of the site/page you are getting the link from. Or, the number of links on the same page that is linking back to you.

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I like the backlink that is posted on an authority site. But I know it is not easy to get your link there. An example is Yahoo Answers that I had read in one discussion that if you are able to have your post accepted there about a question that is seeking an answer then you have got a very high quality backlink that will reflect on the ranking of your site in search engines. I have yet to hear from a freelancer that he has a backlink in Yahoo Anwers.

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if you create a backlink on high PR and index website and google's bot oftenly visit that site then that backlink will called QUality backlink....

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Fizzer, Quality backlinks ensure that when you visit those links there is a lot of traffic to enhance the number of hits on the website

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quality backlink mean not spamming backlink...

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In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology, a quality backlink is a backlink that links to your Web site using your keywords or keyword phrase, and also appears on a Web site that has the same theme or similar content topic as your own Web site

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Does that mean that I should be posting my backlink on popular websites to be considered quality backlink? I thought that backlinks are just links of your website that you spread in the internet. I really didn’t know that the backlinks should be of quality in order to be more effective. When I post my backlink on a popular blog and it was accepted then that’s probably considered a quality backlink?

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