
Huge articles with relevant subjects

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Huge articles with relevant subjects

In recent years Google showed interest in giving good rankings to massive pieces of content for industry related niches.
For example, if I am to write 350 words on "pokemon go stock market" I would be lucky to rank in the top 50.
But if I would be producing a 2500 words article, full of relevant indexes, related subjects and going on in details about everything there is to know about this subject, my chances in ranking in top 10 would increase a lot, even with a low authority blog.

Google love big content that can cover multiple related subjects and can help the user get all the information it needs without doing multiple searches. You also get additional points for having lots of photos and graphs + audio or video content in the same article.


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I'm a big fan of adding 1,000 word optimized articles to my sub pages. I won't deal with anything less, usually.

It's true that Google, Yahoo! and Bing love a lot of info, but it has to still be written well enough for the majority of people to understand it. If you have a ton of horribly spun content on your page and you're trying to push it as unique, you're just going to be slapped with the ban hammer quicker than you can say "SEO" lol Huge articles with relevant subjects

I agree that adding images, links and other things to break up the text slightly is a good idea. Not only is it goof for your SEO purposes with the new keywords in links and alt tags on your images, but it's good for the readers because it gives them a kind of break while reading. They'll read down the first quarter of the page and see an image, they'll check out the image and be refreshed to read on even more, if that makes sense lol Huge articles with relevant subjects If I'm posting something on my websites that aren't business related I'll make a funny meme using a meme generator and post that image. This way I'll be able to give my readers a little chuckle and they'll keep reading Huge articles with relevant subjects

You need to write your posts, articles and comments for you readers, not the search engines. Google, Yahoo! and Bing are getting wiser to people writing just for rankings so if you get caught doing so, you'll regret it Huge articles with relevant subjects

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I agree, the content must be high quality and good enough for average people to understand. I think the word you are looking for is practical, the content must be detailed and big but practical.
Google will smell an irrelevant "written just to reach a certain number of words" content from a mile away. It must be straight to the point, natural and practical.

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Yes Cristian, there are some articles that are obviously just waffling to try and reach a 1000 words or more post.

I agree a post should be 1000 plus words, but if you can only write 300 quality words rather leave it there than try and make up another 700 words when you have nothing more to say.

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It is loud and clear what you said about writing for the readers. Sometimes I get annoyed whenever I would read a discussion that is focused on SEO as if it is only SEO that matters to them. With all the advice that they can give about SEO, they seem to be forgetting the most important factors for a website, be it a forum, blog or a business center website. It is the contents that is the most important because you get the traffic from the readers. And if there is nothing interesting to read then the readers will not come back. So if you are writing for SEO, that can happen to you – readers will find your contents bland and not interesting anymore simply because you were writing for SEO.

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yea cristian you are actually on point with this , practical is always the way to go there are really to many times were you can read an article and just read some one is trying to hard or doing to much do not get me wrong at all i love to read my self a nice long detailed article make sure i get my worth out of it, but at the same time if it is a really long article about something that did not deserved to be explained to that extent it is not necessary to try to expand on detail for some thing that does not need it

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Razzy you have really explained it well here. I totally agree with you about spun content. Not only will you get a Google slap, but your readers won't stay past the first paragraph anyway. There is not much point in ranking if your readers don't like your website. People buy things, not search engines and I think that is where a lot of people perhaps go wrong. They focus so much on trying to get ranked that they forget that once they are ranked people actually need to read their content and then trust and like them enough to buy from them!

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a lot of info is definite especially when talking big names such as Google or yahoo or any thing along those lines in any which way or form the bottom line if always going to be the more information the better, but it is just as you said you do not want to be that guy that has a crazy amount of spun material all over there article or articles you dont want to be that i believe you right it is just best to appeal to your readers , try to make sure you are not doing too much as the sites will catch on

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i mean in long terms short it is always best too have more information for you readers, i feel that would help any article to be honest

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Longer articles are indeed proven to be preferred for ranking purposes. As a content writer I get many who request long articles, over 700 words, with plenty of keywords. However it is important to be cautious in that it is not a good idea to write, write and write, and add the keywords in a banal manner. They need to make sense so that even a human reader will enjoy reading them and understand them. So a good writer has to target both the audience as well as the search engine. I feel that this is very important to strike the right balance.

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I agree as I said above they need to look natural and be practical. When I'm saying huge articles I'm referring to anything that passes 2000 words. Have you ever written something like that?

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One of my posts was 3500 words... that is not easy LOL but it was a good article, well written and packed with useful information. I wish I could write one of those a week Huge articles with relevant subjects

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Did you get good rankings on multiple secondary keywords? I know it can be a hell of a job to develop such a big piece of content, but I'm curious if in the end was worth the trouble.

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you can tell honestly when an article is just for ratings and when it is actually meant to serve its purpose of course both will have there fair share of details but you can really spot the difference as you are reading, you will notice that article one will have all these details and links but the way it wraps around the reader so to speak is not the same it can feel like a boring tutorial, as to some thing that is really meant for the reader will stand out , it will go in to detail and explain to the reader what it is about these points that make it make sense and not just tell things

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Yes, and on that note I would really love to see more article writers who take the time and place more effort in what they write. You often come across articles which seem to be spun, because there are so many keywords stuffed all over the content, in a way that makes most sentences neither flowing nor grammatically correct. Sentence structure is really important and keywords need to be placed in a way that makes sense and allows continuity and proper expression. Unfortunately many 'writers' think that peppering keywords all over is what is required, thus reducing considerably the quality of the article.

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i am a big article guy my self i see some thing that has a topic that really catches my eye and i decide to read it i can tell you as a reader what stands out to me and what does not , honestly i like how you mentioned pictures and links etc you know everyhting that falls under that type of stuff i do believe in order to reach full details that you have to write a lot but you do not have to go to crazy you can always tell when a writer is trying to write and inform you and when a writer is just going above and beyond and unneccessary for the article

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