
Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

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Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

Every now and then, LinkedIn will send me a list of investors or companies looking for work or to hire someone. These job offers and wants are targeted to you based on the skills you put on your LinkedIn profile. So if you put skills like SEO, SMO etc, you'll get sent lists of people or companies looking for this work or to hire someone for it.

Example email of job picks for me.
Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?
When you click on these jobs, they all have a Job Description which shows what the expectations, criteria and experience or qualifications needed are to apply for them.

Here's the thing, these are all business and companies and even individual entrepreneurs looking for SEO and SMO for their website. Provided you have those skills, experience and qualifications, you can apply for those jobs and some of them can be very long ongoing jobs that turn into steady paid work.

However I was thinking of a way I could tell them about seocheckout! Because that way, they can get SEO and SMO for their website and social media profiles/pages including many Internet marketing and social media promotion services.

How to do this? You can send them "Inmail" but you need to be subscribed to LinkedIn's premium package so that you can. This is free for one month then £19.99 per month after that and you can cancel any time.

I'm seriously considering taking this or trying out their 1 month free plan to see how effective this could be. Obviously you'd have to take the right approach to it and not just say oh go here and sign up bla bla bla but more along the lines that you noticed they was looking for this work and you know where they can get it from sort of thing. Strike up a conversation with them about what they're looking for first before giving them your shortened Seocheckout affiliate link sort of thing like all of that!

These are people that are desperate for SEO and SMO services.

But I don't think they have discovered Seocheckout yet!

Does anyone else here do this on LinkedIn?

Do you have any experience of pitching Seocheckout on LinkedIn?

What do you think about this?


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I get contacted every day by recruiters, and it's annoying. When they contact me I respond with "I don't have a degree and I can't relocate, is that a problem?" and it usually is lol.

But with the companies I know I'd most likely have to relocate because they are usually looking for an in house marketing team member and not a remote worker. I can't relocate so most of the time I can't even consider working for these companies Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work? I do sometimes get one that's near me, within 20 miles or so, but then I get filtered out because I don't have a degree. I have 13 years of experience and can run circles around anyone that is fresh out of college, but that doesn't matter to the person who's hiring employees lol Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work? Luckily I own my own company and can't really consider working for anyone else unless they're willing to pay me a lucrative amount each year Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

I've never pitched Seocheckout on LinkedIn because I run my own SEO and Online Marketing company. I look for the bigger fish that can spend $750+ per month on an SEO campaign and they can sign up for at least 1 year of service Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

LinkedIn has a lot of big fish, but there are also a lot of minnows thinking their great whites Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work? You just have to filter out who the fake whales are so that you don't waste your time. Because we all know that time is money Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

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Razzy that's funny how you handle the recruiter calls, I like it! I too get a lot of calls and it can be super disruptive. Note: You should also look for customers who have a spend of 100K per month this really separates the minnows from the whales.

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Oh yeah Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work? I contact a ton of companies who advertise through twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and SnapChat Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work? If they can afford to advertise, they can afford to pay me for my services Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

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Very good points here Razzy, however for someone like me that doesn't have an SEO company it could possibly be an amazing way for me to promote Seocheckout and get affiliate sales....

You could also use this method for your own company though. It might be worthwhile looking into Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

I know exactly what you mean by people wanting a piece of paper, I don't call it a degree because it really is just a piece of paper at the end of the day. Anyone can get a degree and flash it around, but not everyone has the ability to do a good job or to get the kind of experience that is truly needed!

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Yeah, getting affiliates is pretty awesome. I like to get my $750+ sales though Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work? I don't get as many because the pricing is pretty high. But the ones I do get usually understand what they're buying and are more willing to let go of a few thousand ;)

I don't have to do as much work as if I was selling a $15 service and getting 1,000 sales. I'd rather get 20 sales and do much less Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

And yes, a degree is seen as a piece of paper by myself as well. I tried college but didn't like it too much so I started playing around online Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work? It paid off in the long run Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

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Razzy I have 2 diplomas and half of a degree which I stopped with when I got pregnant because there was no way I would have coped. Since then I have done all my own learning online too and you know what? It has gotten me much further than I think I ever would have with a piece of paper saying I had a BCom.

Life has a funny way of working out.

Yes I agree with you on the sales part. It is really all about learning how to make as much money as possible doing the least amount of work! That may make me sound lazy, but it is not. I work my butt off, but I want to be as profitable as possible at all times.

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Hi Lynne,

I can give you some tips on getting additional affiliate sales, with automation and more. Please feel free to send me a PM and we'll talk about it. I have a ton of stuff to share with you based on my experiences. I love affiliate sales!

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YAY, anything that will help me get affiliate sales will always be appreciated Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work? Thank you!

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I never applied throw LinkedIn Jobsearches. Though I do have an active LinkedIn account, I even write an article recently. Don't really need to apply for jobs because every now and then I get an offer or a business proposal. In fact, lately I started to spend more and more time on LinkedIn compared with Facebook.

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How are you finding LinkedIn in compared to Facebook Cristian? I would be very interested to know the differences and what it is that is drawing you to spend more time on Linkedin lately.

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Well, I'm not interested in the actual part of "social", I use facebook for certain updates and to stay informed on certain groups and people I know. So you might say I used Facebook in a more professional way than personal.

This is why I love LinkedIn, it's all about professional stuff, it usually keeps all the personal drama people have away from the network and that's what I'm looking for.

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Well I couldn't agree with you more about LinkedIn being much more professional. That is one thing about Facebook, there is a lot of BS being shared and also people sharing their dirty laundry! That is something I can't handle, if I see things like that I block them.

You know the dirty laundry I mean? Like people breaking up and having Facebook fights about personal things, shocking really!

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I do not use LinkedIn, however I know people who do use it and they are very pleased with it. When it comes to jobs and hiring, LinkedIn is undeniably a very good platform. It is also ideal for those who want to show off their experience and qualifications and hope to get a good job offer by having their profile over there. There is nothing to lose for sure, but plenty to gain as one can manage to make several good connections which may even come in handy in the future. Thanks for this post as it was a good eye opener for those who do not use it that much.

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I have never spent much time or effort on LinkedIn. I keep getting messages to remind me that I can try LinkedIn Premium free for a month but I have just ignored that.

Like I said I am on LinkedIn, I share updates and I have a page too for my mommy blog... but other than sharing some updates and accepting connections every now and then I have not spent enough time on LinkedIn to really get a feel for how it works or how it can benefit me more.

Now that you mention it I have been inboxed by someone on LinkedIn asking me to do some content writing for his websites... maybe you are really onto something.

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I never paid much attention to LinkedIn. To be honest that website feels so strange. I don't know why really but i never had any warm feeling there. So strange... At first i tried to get some clients, but most of them were so picky and just put it a side for long time now. Since then i did not even try to figure out how exactly LinkedIn work and how to perform better, just because of that strange feeling.

And when it's about feeling really i have to say that it can sometime make big difference! For example i felt Seocheckout so homey like it's my own from day one and i made my nice little success here which i am writing right now and will be out soon on CD.

So i always follow my heart and it really works for me Do You Use LinkedIn for Jobsearches or to Find Clients and Work?

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You just approach LinkedIn from an unknown perspective. You have the feeling because you are not used with the platform and you don't understand how it works yet. I suggest you give it a try, you may find tons of clients if you make the right connections.

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I opened a LinkedIn account in the winter of 2016 and have tried understanding how this social media network really work.

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I have LinkedIn account. I think I created this account back in 2013. However, I don't use LinkedIn much. I, of course, know the value of LinkedIn to promote our business, build professional networking as well as drive sales and find jobs. However, apart from promoting business and building professional networking, I have not used LinkedIn. There are so many social networking sites that I find difficult to remain active on all of the sites I have joined. But I think some social networking sites are valued more than the others.

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