
Is any time a bad time to start freelancing?

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Is any time a bad time to start freelancing?

I am pretty sure at one point or another every one in life has thought of the idea of working for themselves, whether as a home business or freelance. And,you know as some one who is in freelance i just would like to know what is every one's thoughts and opinions as to whether or not it's ever too late too jump in freelance, considering things like kids, financial set backs, bills. I would love to know your story on it, how did you guys know it was time to work for yourselves how were you sure it was not too late or is it ever too late?


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Most of people have no idea how to organize their businesses or freelancing. Some of them are scared of risk they have to count on. Some people just do what others tell them to do, and so on. I have seen some very young and very old freelancers and i don't believe there is right or wrong time to start. It all depend on your courage, passion, imagination and willingness. Most of freelancers start it as fun i guess by working freelance beside their usual 9-5 work, then increasing time spent on freelancing, rather then start as freelancer as only job from day one, as it could be very difficult to survive for some months or even years.
Time to start freelancing is right when you feel it within your self and when you trying to challenge all it takes ;)

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yea you are most definitely making several points here, i like how you mentioned how just trying to freelance as an only job from day 1 can possibly set you back, you acknowledge the risks in freelance and that is smart, i like how you also go on too mention in long story short it depends on the person age does not really matter i believe the same that you should start is as something fun and kind of feel your way into a couple trial and errors to balance out options to really get the ball rolling helps too

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I tend to believe that you have to have funds to start freelancing. I wouldn't necessarily start freelancing if I had no money in the bank. I often like to keep at least a couple thousand dollars in case any unforeseen circumstances arise.

Always have a fall back plan if freelancing doesn't work. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, this is what I tell many people. Invest into yourself, and know your self worth. There's many new freelancers whom believe that the market is saturated, but fail to realize that if they are offering their talents, have great customer service skills, and have high quality services, or products or whatever else it is than they have an upper hand on the competition.

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Starting any business is a full time commitment. If you have a day job don't quit until you are sure that you are financially secure. Actually, you will know exactly when to quit your nine to five job, because once your full time job starts to interfere with your freelancing work and you are now, saying that it doesn't pay to show up any more, then you'll know that it is time to freelance on a full time basis. If you have children the decision to start your own business becomes more critical since you have mouths to feed. Again, you'll know when the time is right. I have given this advice to many who confirmed the scenario mentioned above.

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Full time commitment indeed! From when i wake up, i have to jump to the desk i work fulltime freelance myself. You're completely, one hundred percent correct, you have to be somewhat on the more financially stable ground, but you do have to remember also you have people in the world who are willing to take risk's and they treat it like poker; an all in type of feel and you do have a good amount of cases where you know if you research and make sure your prepared that all in risk is not really a risk after all

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The only real bad time to start freelancing is when you don't have time to do anything extra in your day. If you work 60+ hours a week already, you're not going to want to come home and fulfill peoples orders. Now you could outsource all the work, but you'll just cut into your profits a lot and not many people want that. Even though people can make 25% of the sale and be seen as the CEO, they don't want to give up that 75% because of greed.

Don't start freelancing if you need money right away. So many times have I seen someone start working online because they got laid off or fired and they thought they would be making a full time income right away. If this was true don't you think more people would be doing it? lol Is any time a bad time to start freelancing? Hell, it took me 3 years to start profiting because of all the research I had to do and how many test websites I had to burn through before I felt comfortable doing work for clients.

Don't start freelancing if you don't have the knowledge. Like I said, it took me 3 years before I felt comfortable enough to sell and you won't get that with a lot of freelancers you see today. A lot of people will begin selling their own service before they know exactly what they're doing. This results in a bad campaign and leaving a bad reputation for others in the same field. So many times have I talked with a potential client and they don't sign up because they were already burned by a bad service provider Is any time a bad time to start freelancing?

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Based on your last sentence: Bad service and flat out scams from the early days of the internet have tarnished the profession for the true web professionals. Today, if you are a professional and skilled at your craft then sales and customer objections are not a very big issue for landing new customers, making sales and being successful. If you are offering the real deal info to your customers and can also deliver on your promises, then you'll have no problem with sales and customer retention. I have found that many customers do not realize that with a proper budget they can control and entire 50-100+ mile radius in their local market and be profitable for a reasonable amount of monies. However, many customers do not realize how many man power hours, MPH it takes to consistently succeed online with digital marketing. The big companies understand these basic metrics and have fine tuned their marketing, this it why you see the same marketers online everywhere you search.

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Raazy you have raised some brilliant points here.

I just don't have time to commit to adding freelancing to my blogging because of my children. I have to wait until they are a bit older so I don't have to focus so intensely on them Is any time a bad time to start freelancing?

I also don't feel very confident in myself offering services just yet. I am watching what others are doing and trying to figure out what I can offer that is unique and where I can really add value. Something that I will love doing too... otherwise I don't really see the point.

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man i love the fact that you took the time too touch up on the subject of how it can really effect the views of a client when they have dealt with so many bad service providers, bad service and scams can really be a set back if your looking into getting into something that people tend to have that experience with a lot, it is rough it can be tough on the best of us, it is true that the past can definitely effect the future and the points that you took the time too make really prove that

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Well I would love to start freelancing here in addition to my blogging.

The problem I have, well 2 problems really. A 2 year old problem and a 4 year old problem Is any time a bad time to start freelancing?

I just don't have the time to take on freelancing.

I can find a bit of free time to add in something more but it must be something very flexible so if I have some time here and there I can quickly do some work... but if I have no time for example if my kids are ill and at home or it is school holidays then I can't get to it.

This is why blogging is such a great career for me right now. I can add new content to my websites when I have the time and if I don't have the time it won't be too much of an issue.

If I freelance here I need to complete orders within a certain amount of time otherwise I will be letting Buyers down.

I take business very seriously and if I cannot do what I promise to do it will be a problem for me.

Perhaps when my kids are older and I don't have to watch them so closely and give them to much attention I will be able to commit to freelancing too.

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I believe it depends on the individual and his/her circumstances. For instance, you cannot become a freelancer and quit your full time job as you need to play it safe. It is difficult to cope with daily expenses as you start off as a freelancer. You also need to take into account whether you are the breadwinner of the family or not or if there is another secure income that you can have as a backup just in case your freelancing is not doing so well at a certain point, which is quite common due to the flexible nature of freelancing.

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Hi jkeyz2 thanks for your nice question. I have some opinion to start freelancing what is right time. I do not want to say whether bad or good time. As my opinion, I start freelancing just after getting my masters. When I was seeking job here and there and that was almost right time to start freelancing as a job seeker. But, I should say if anyone would like to start freelancing he must to take well preparation by learning things. That is why I say always in the study period, need to start freelancing and in the early age. In that time economically pressure very low for thinking freedom

Regards by Ajlancer

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I think if another job has worked for you, then don’t jump into freelancing full time. Freelancing is risky because the number of jobs you get is uncertain and income can vary from month to month. The other issue is that you don’t get things like holiday and sick pay as a freelancer and you are required to work to earn money every day. If you want to jump into freelancing, then you should do it as a side project until you earn more than your normal 9-5 job. There is never too late to do something but rather, you should have back up plans in case it doesn’t work out.

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I don't think there is a bad time to start freelancing if you mean the season. But if it's the condition related to yourself, I'd say that it is a bad to start freelancing when are in dire need of money. In that situation that you badly need money, you will have a tendency to give in to haggling and that is not good for business. Worse, your competitors might be hurt with your big discount and it's all because of your financial situation.

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There's no specific time to start freelancing and I don't think the will be a time that one is late about it. If you think working offline and the pay is good, then, the shouldn't be need of jumping online to start working unless you're certain that's what you really want to do and you have a passion for it, then you can go ahead.No need wasting time about it.

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