
As a freelancer: what you would do when a buyer who rejected an order before, orders again?

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As a freelancer: what you would do when a buyer who rejected an order before, orders again?

Hi I would like to know how to handle a confusing situation to do work with any buyer? For example: A buyer ordered from you two times before, and after you complete your task, when you deliver the order, he just rejects the order for lame excuse. You tried to ask what was wrong with it and why he rejected it, but the buyer does not offer a reasonable reply, just something like the work was not completed as promised. He rejects the order and now wants a refund. And you do not argue anymore and refund him.

But, after a few months the same buyer orders another or the same service and this time he orders a bigger project. Would you do the job again for him or just cancel the order yourself before doing anything? Or do you focus only on the big quantities of the order and try to do it so as to earn a good amount of money from it while hoping he does not reject it again?

What would you do if faced with such a situation?

Regards by Ajlancer


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I would definitely refuse to work for such a buyer. I believe that once he was unreasonable once, he is bound to do it again. And chances are that if the order is for a bigger quantity, it is going to take a much longer time to complete, and I would not want to risk doing it for nothing, especially if it involves more time and more effort. There is a big probability that he would reject it again, and with some lame excuse. Maybe he thought that you forgot about his previous rejection and is back to get some work for free again.

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Hi EliteWriter thanks for quick response and I like your point very much, which you pointed as he may think, I forget his previous order. Actually he may do not know, we can see all previous orders. Buyer join on 2012 and his buyer rating alomost 83 percent and level one. Is it showing good? I think 50-50 chance to do work and for get paid.

Regards by Ajlancer

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If I were in that situation I would cancel the order and tell the buyer that I am sorry but I cannot do more work for them.

I am a buyer and I have been seriously disappointed in one seller here. I didn't dispute the order but I did give a thumbs down and I inboxed the seller to explain why I gave a thumbs down.

I won't use that seller again ever.

If I have such a huge problem with a seller that I reject the order I would never use that same seller again and I would always give feedback why I rejected the order.

I think Buyers like this should be reported to admin.

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Yes they should be reported. Admins here do a very good job from my experience. I had two cases and they were dealt with promptly and professionally. A couple of weeks ago I did not even have to contact support - there was a buyer who seemed to think that it was ok to reject the order without having even read what I wrote in the articles. I asked what was the problem and invited him to highlight where I needed to edit. He evidently realized that there was nothing wrong with what I did and decided to approve the order.

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Hi Lynne thanks for your reply. I would cancel order. But, I thought buyer has at least 83% positive rating, so, I could try. And I did completed 2 orders previously but buyer rejected order for lame issue. And this time almost after 4-5 months, same buyer order me again. now I confused what I have to do? Because, this situation not happening only with me, I think many seller faced same situation by scam buyer in several time. I agree with you, if you do not like order, you can reject order with good reason. Nothing problem there. But, if any bad manner in the mind, you never convinced him.

Regards by Ajlancer

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I just find is suspicious that someone rejected an order and the ordered again.

I would cancel that order and contact support.

This won't be worth your time, and it is risky. My take is that this person is a scammer for sure.

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hey man i hear were your coming from and honestly your going to come across buyers like this a few times in you life and that can be unfortunate but do not let it discourage you you cant let it make loose focus my advice to would be go for it , see its been some time since you have dealt with this buyer with that being said things can be different this time and one big thing about freelancing is taking risks you say he wants a bigger project then by all means go for it cause on the chances that this deal does go through it can really benefit you.

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You would have to contact support or ask for a mutual cancelation of the project. Let the person know you don't intend on doing the work because they rejected the last order on Day/Month/Year

If they rejected the same service in the past, they'll most likely do it again once you're done. If you contact support and ask them to check it over they'll probably see a trend in this persons buying pattern. I guarantee that you're not the only person he or she has done this to. There are so many people out there that want everything but aren't willing to pay a penny for it. It's sad, but it happens everyday and it's not just digital products like an SEO service, it happens all the time with physical products as well.

I've had plenty of people pay me and after 20 to 30 days later when the campaign is finished, I get a chargeback. It could be a coincidence that the person who owned the card just so happened to file a chargeback right after I sent out the campaign report, but it's not likely. I say it's not likely a coincidence because it's happened to me at least 10 times on high priced campaigns. After the first couple I knew how to battle the disputes and claims in paypal and win them every time, but fighting a chargeback on a digital service is almost never won by the seller As a freelancer: what you would do when a buyer who rejected an order before, orders again? Paypal is getting better with this and they are cutting down on people who file chargebacks on digital products and services, which is pretty awesome As a freelancer: what you would do when a buyer who rejected an order before, orders again? The great thing about Seocheckout is that the money is in escrow and the support team can check the work if they want. I doubt paypal will check anything and they just go with the buyer 90% of the time As a freelancer: what you would do when a buyer who rejected an order before, orders again?

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If I encountered such a buyer, then I would firmly ask him to look elsewhere. I would simply state something like this:
Hello and thank you for your order.
We've dealt before and you have been rejecting my deliveries and asked for refunds several times already and due to that, I won't do business with you. Sorry but it's not worth it for me.

Hopefully you'll be able to find what you're looking for.

I strongly believe that sellers on a marketplace like Seocheckout should be able to choose WHO they want to deal with. And by requesting a mutual cancellation, with something like I've mentioned above, should be sufficient to make the buyer go away.

In case the buyer rejects and still asks for whatever they've ordered. Just discuss things with seocheckout support.
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you.

Best Regards,

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Even in an offline business, I will still entertain that buyer who rejected the first order. We regularly do the prospecting in finding new clients. That buyer is like a new client and should be treated with hospitality. That’s my policy when it comes to customers. Although customers are not always right but I give them the benefit of the doubt. However, another rejected order can cause him to be blacklisted.

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