
Busy with my Seocheckout Review

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Busy with my Seocheckout Review

I am so excited, I am now busy with my review of Seocheckout for my website. I am looking forward to starting to earn some affiliate income from this website.

I know it starts off slow and that it will take time to build up and this is of course the first step.

Now this is just going to mess with the SEO contest that Mike wants to start because I won't know if affiliates come from my review or from the contest!

It doesn't matter though, I am looking forward to a contest anyway just from the learning point of view.


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I am glad for you Lynne. I am sure you will do a great job as your heart is set to do it right, and being motivated is what matters the most. Doing a review for Seocheckout is also relatively simple as there are so many things you can discuss and elaborate upon. I am sure you will enjoy doing this while also gaining affiliates as you go along. I will try to take a leaf out of your book and start working to get affiliates too sometime, when I have some time to devote to it. Unfortunately at the moment I am way too busy and when I set out to do it I want to do it right.

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LOL we are on opposite sides of the same thing. I don't have time to add services and do that work and you don't have time to work on getting affiliates...

Oh well. Maybe when I get you to do some content writing for me then I will have more time!

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Hey Lynne,
That sounds awesome. I'm glad you've decided to jump aboard Seocheckout Affiliate Program. With that being said, I can't tell how accurate this is, for me it's not accurate at all actually.. But you have a "ref" in your affiliate list. It looks like this:

Busy with my Seocheckout Review

If that is accurate, then you'll be able to see where your affiliates are coming form.. And that way, you should be able to know if they come from your site or from the contest you're talking about. Busy with my Seocheckout Review

I don't know if this is something that Jordan could take a look at and perhaps even sort out, so the ref actually works. I've never bothered with it really as I've kept track of my affiliates in other ways.

Another way you could do it, is to use for instance and shorten your affiliate link. Use one link on your blog and another one for your contest. That way you'll be able to see the amount of clicks on each url. Like in this screenshot:

Busy with my Seocheckout Review

That should at least give you an estimate of how many affiliates you've got from each link.

Best Regards,

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Oh that is way cool Hitmeasap! Thank you for that. I wouldn't have known because I haven't had any referrals yet.

I use Pretty Link for my website posts so I can see how many clicks I get on each link.

I was actually going to ask if anyone else uses a plugin like Pretty Link too.

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For me, I just or Unfortunately, some big link shorteners have blocked the marketplace's domain due to people spamming links everywhere trying to either get affiliates or sales, or even both. Thankfully there's tons of link shorteners so that problem is very small. However, new new link shorteners often don't have many features. :/

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Glad to hear you are doing great. Seocheckout is definitely the best place to start. This made me write a review on Seocheckout earlier

check it out here :

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Sorry here rather: seocheckout Review 2017: Plus how to make money with seocheckout

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