
As a freelancer, do you set timetables or just start working randomly?

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As a freelancer, do you set timetables or just start working randomly?

Everybody works differently and we all have diverse characters and preferences. But considering that you are the one who makes the rules, what is your method generally? Do you like to make a timetable of things or tasks that you will be completing within that day, or in the next few days? Or do you just start working with no set deadlines and timetables, and avoid worrying how much you manage to complete by the day's end?

Personally I used to be less organized, but lately I have found it helpful to set up a weekly schedule and I try to stick with it. What about you?


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Hi EliteWriter thanks for your good question. I am sure previously we discuss almost same matter on CD. If I say simply I do not have any daily time plan to do work as like 9 to 5. And I do random work each day. But, not less than 12 hours per day. I mostly plan daily basis how many order I have to complete today. I do not plan task to task basis. I mean this task I will complete within 1 days or 2 days as target. More than I concentrate on deadline. And I always try to complete order within service provided timeline. Eventually I can manage my all daily job. I have no problem still to do random job.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Often at times, I start my work in the order of the orders received. I never like work to linger, or go unfinished so I try to complete all orders in one day, rather than spreading it out for several days. Not many users can do this, as their services are different from mine. Also, I like to work randomly on orders too, for instance, if an order can get completed in just 5 minutes then I would probably deliver that order before starting a bigger order such as custom script creations.

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yes every service differs from another. I like to set a weekly shcedule, with orders to handle per day, but obviously over the same week new orders are received and sometimes I need to see to them within a few days. So I often give priority to complete the short orders, in my case, the individual articles and the shorter ones. I would prefer to stick to orders in the order that they are placed by the buyers, but since the deadlines vary according to the number of articles in each order, and the length, I often have deadlines that span over more than a month.

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hey i like the way you think man, i believe in taking care of the initiative or the priorities as i should say main reasons why when i wake up first thing in the morning i find that self motivation and push myself to get straight too it, you know the money does not make it self . so i make sure to make it priority to get all my work and all the work i need to get done in general done first thing, i am not sure how you feel about time but i prefer waking up in the morning

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Yes, I try to complete as much work as I can first thing in the morning. I rarely manage to work later in the day. Most of my work is ready by 3 in the afternoon. If there is a very urgent order which I am not sure I can complete in time, I prefer to wake up early in the morning rather than stay up at night because I find it hard to concentrate in the evening.

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i have to be honest i am a guy that likes too get the work out the way early see when i picked up freelance i did it with only one thing in mind being able to work for myself with that being said i strongly believe that life should be enjoyed and no body has to feel over whelmed with just trying to make ends meat. i start my day bright and early and get everything that is priority out the way first that way in the afternoon i have more time too enjoy my day whether i want to be by family or friends or just to sleep nap

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I am a blogger and I have 3 websites. I have a rough plan of work I want to get through, and I have only certain times I can work due to having my kids home with me in the afternoons... so I can't really choose my work times. I have to work every chance my kids allow it!

This has actually made me work very efficiently when I do get the time, it is amazing what I can achieve now in 3 hours!

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I cannot fix working hours either, however I like to make a plan as to which orders I will be probably managing to complete in a given day. So I am making this weekly schedule on Sundays, so as to be ready for the coming week. I try to stick to it as much as possible, and when I do not I know that whatever I did not complete will need to be squeezed in the following day, and chances are I can end up taking longer and it will affect my productivity on subsequent days. So it is a good way to be strict with myself.

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Yes I still need to figure out what I will be using you for lol.

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It all depends on whether I'm working on my own websites or if I'm working on a clients. I actually tend to neglect my own websites a lot because when I'm done working on a clients pages I don't want to work on my own lol.

I usually have a day to day process, or timetable, to lead me through the day. It doesn't vary too much because it's mainly just bullet points.

Here are my bullet points that I try to follow each day:
  • Wake up: Answer emails that were sent while I was asleep. Doing this will increase my response time because people will only have to wait 8 to 10 hours at the longest to get a response. No one wants to wait a few days for a response As a freelancer, do you set timetables or just start working randomly?
  • After I'm done with emails I'll check to see if we made any sales while I was asleep. If we had anything come in that I need to address, like a new client sign up, I'll work on that right away. If we made a sale that is automated, like a download or I have someone that handles small work, I don't bother with those.
  • After checking emails and contacting new clients, if there are any, I'll eat breakfast. You can't forget to eat As a freelancer, do you set timetables or just start working randomly?
  • After breakfast I'll begin to work on my clients websites whether it be on page optimization or off page optimization. This usually takes a while and uses up a lot of my time during the day.
  • Now it's lunch time! WooHoo!
  • After lunch I'll check emails again because I usually get a few after I check in the morning. Remember, you have to keep those response times down As a freelancer, do you set timetables or just start working randomly? Respond as quick as you can because people are always browsing and tend to sign up with the company that responds the quickest.
  • After these emails, I've been working for around 6 to 8 hours and I'm beginning to burn out. Break Time!!!! I'll usually play a video game or watch a movie.
  • After I'm done gaming or watching a movie I'll answer emails again, check sales, and do whatever I need to do on my own websites until I burn out for the day lol As a freelancer, do you set timetables or just start working randomly?

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When I try to set timetables, it never seems to work so I gave up with it. What I normally do is work when I feel like it. When I have more work to do, I will start earlier and get it done but when there are less sales, I tend to spend more time doing other things. On a busy day, I start work after breakfast and if there isn’t much to do, I start work after lunch. I don’t really want to set a timetable because one of the main advantages with freelancing is its freedom.

Kind regards,

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Yes I get your point. Actually my timetable is totally set according to my free time. Since different days have different requirements, such as running errands or driving kids for lessons - I forecast how much time I am free or not on each particular day. So if I know I have a lot of running around on Fridays, I make it a point to assign less work for Friday and make up for it on other days in my timetable. I find this really helpful as I settle a proper and reasonable workload according to my free time basically.

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I am a housewife blogger with 2 kids. I have a fixed routine where I have to complete household chores first before I start blogging for several hours. Then I stopped , continue cooking, washing the dishes, teaching my son his homework, put him to sleep before I start to blog again. This had been going on for years. Fixed routine is better to stick to it. Otherwise, timetable will be a jumble.

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I don't think it is a good idea to work as you please. Discipline starts in you particularly when it is the work schedule. When you work on a regular basis, it is best to set a time for the start of your work, the duration and the style of work related to quality of output. That way, you can maintain not only the quality but also the promptness.

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I don't set up a timetable. I work randomly. I work in high paying jobs first and sidetrack the less paying job even if the deadline is close. If I am going to miss the deadline, I will always notify the client two days ahead. Usually, I don't miss a deadline. When the deadline is close, I work for 12-14 hours and try to complete the work.
I wish it will be easier if I have a time table, however, I was never an organized person. Even when I was a student, I did not have an organized life.

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