
Do you take advantage of deliberately misspelled keywords on your blog? Here's why you probably should!

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Do you take advantage of deliberately misspelled keywords on your blog? Here's why you probably should!

Lets talk about how misspelled keywords can be profitable for you as a blogger, business site or freelancer.

With most Search Engines adopting auto suggestion, less and less people are accidently misspelling the things they are searching for. But many people don't use Google auto suggest or many more use a search engine or browser where auto suggest isn't enabled and still many people accidently misspell what they are searching for even with auto suggest enabled. For example, some people don't know how to spell aubergine or make an accidental misspell..
Do you take advantage of deliberately misspelled keywords on your blog? Here
So there's many people who are still accidently search for things using misspelled words. Are you thinking about those people as a blogger, business site or freelancer?

On eBay, many people delibrately mispell their auctions for those people that type the misspelling version instead.

You might not think this is a lot, but most people can't and don't spell properly and would rather use txt spk too.

You see what I did there? The correct spelling is deliberately misspell and you didn't even notice it did you!

It's okay, it doesn't make you a bad person!

But if you're trying to target one or several keywords, have you considered the misspellings of those same keywords?

Think about the top 5 keywords you are trying to target for your blog or site. Then think about ways in which those same keywords could be misspelled.

Remember that it's easier to rank for keywords if they actually exist on your page. It's the same for misspelled keywords too!

So the next time you write a blog post on something, research what some commonly misspelled keywords are for what it is you're writing about. And then try throw some of them in your page somewhere. You might just be surprised at the organic traffic it provides in the long run!

There are many ways to find commonly misspelled keywords. But you need to find the ones that are right for your niche!

To do that you can check through lists of commonly misspelled words which you can find all over the Internet. Or you can even check through your sites logs and see if there's any search terms that show that might be commonly misspelled.

And of course, you can always use Google's Keyword Planner Tool to and search for deliberately or commonly misspelled words in your niche and sometimes, you may just see one that has a lot of people misspelling it which mean a lot of people searching it.

However, the competition for misspelled keywords is often much lower simply because SEO's, webmasters etc, don't bother doing any on-page and off-page SEO to target them!

If you think about this, you can actually find out some very high search volume keywords that have insanely low competition for the misspelled versions!

Do you consider using misspelled keywords?

Have you researched what yours might be?


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Great discussion! Yes, many people just can't spell well nowadays. Text talk is the main reason for people's low quality spelling skills lol. I used to incorporate misspellings a lot a while back, but since autosuggest came about, I slacked off this technique. So thanks for your insight and re-igniting the fire. I will definitely have to start using this strategy againDo you take advantage of deliberately misspelled keywords on your blog? Here

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Idealmike, what a great discussion!!!! I would have never thought of this!!!! This is such a great idea because like you said there are a lot of people that do not spell correctly, or autocorrect changs their words to something else.

I have never considered this but I will now, and most likely take this advise and use it to help my clients. Thank you so much for sharing this, if it weren't for you, I would not have learned something new today! Ha ha ha

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Wow unbelievable! This is such a great tip for bloggers and anyone who does Seocheckout promotion. Thank you again for sharing!

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Mike I have read about this and there are so many different variations of spelling too which could be utilized. Americans use color and the British use colour just as one good example. In South Africa we use British spelling.

Using different spelling variations while doing keyword research can give completely different results too!

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I think that deliberate misspelling of words and phrases is a trick to get more hits for their site. Truly the SEO game is one complex matter that you have to learn a lot starting with the uploading of contents, what kind and how long plus the keywords that you should do a search and analysis. It really gives me a headache sometimes but I guess it is worth the study when you learn the SEO methods completely.

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