
What Are Your Goals For 2016?

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What Are Your Goals For 2016?

Dear fellow freelancers,
We've already come to July, and I want to ask you..

What are YOUR goals for 2016?

Some of of you might have heard that I've just recently lost my biggest client. We had to go separate ways as he's no longer in need of my services..

Due to that, I will obviously be aiming to get a new client.. A new "biggest client".

However, no matter how sad, hard, boring or tedious this is or might be, I'll need a new one.. But this wasn't my goal for this year to begin with.

My main goal for 2016 is to launch a brand new business, which I can't reveal at the time I'm writing this. I've had this idea since mid 2015 and still haven't managed to pull this off, so by the end of this year.. I just need to have it done.

What about you?

Best Regards,


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Apart from expanding my reach in Seocheckout on which I am working continuously, I have also started a blog in 2016. And my plan is to increase readership of that blog. If the blog is successful, I am quite sure I can get a multifold benefit from my blog.

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Hey Topseoservice,
That sounds cool. I'm glad for you. What is the niche of your blog? Do you have a link for it? What Are Your Goals For 2016?

Do you plan on selling services or products on your blog and do you have any specific ideas on how you'll draw traffic to your blog?

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My goals for 2016 were:
  • Close my online stores and not have any of my own physical products
  • Start earning a full time income online after changing direction into blogging and affiliate marketing
  • Stop working full day so I can bring my kids home at lunch time when play school finished instead of having them in aftercare until 5pm every day
  • Be Happier and more content!

And I have now achieved this so I am one happy camper. I do want more money though. I want to buy a house and I need a new car so those will be some of my goals for next year... oh and pay off my debt, that would be good!

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Hey Lynne,
First of all, Congratulations! I'm happy for you What Are Your Goals For 2016?

So, basically, you set your goals for this year, you nailed it, and now you'll be waiting for 2017 to set new ones? - Do you wait until 2017 with new goals due to the things you have to do right now, with your blog & affiliate marketing and all that, or are you not comfortable with setting new goals "on the fly" so to speak?

Anyhow, I'm happy for you and I wish you the best of luck in your ventures! What Are Your Goals For 2016?

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Actually most of what I do is on the fly, I wing it most of the time. I don't have set concrete goals that I make at a specific time of year.

A good example is closing my online stores. That is not a goal I made at the end of 2015 or beginning of 2016. In February this year I suddenly realized I wanted to change direction. It took me 48 hours talking to discuss my thoughts with a few important people in my life that I trust and respect.... and then I wrote a blog post letting everyone know I was closing, sent out all my last orders, flogged all my stock and then set about removing my online store from my website and making my homepage my blog roll LOL.

It was the best move I could have made and I am so much happier. Once I set my mind on something I like to just do it as soon as possible.

Saving up for a house and a car will take some time and of course earning more money will help and having no debt... so I will work on getting rid of all my debt and saving a bit this year so that next year I can maybe get myself a house and a car What Are Your Goals For 2016?

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Oh and at some stage I want to be earning enough online to b able to support our whole family comfortably so my hubby can quit his ****** job!

He is very unhappy in the line of his work and I would love to be able to allow him to completely change what he does or just spend some time at home enjoying time with our kids.... Perhaps he can start his own business. He can study something new or we can travel a bit.. whatever but right now he is completely stuck and unable to make a change without risking the stability of our finances.

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I have a couple of goals for 2016. I'll try to break them up between timeframes, and current progress:
  • Now until September 2016 - Save up enough money to buy a new used car. My maximum budget is $10,000 USD, and I want an SUV or Jeep. However, I'll take whatever is good. I don't really like to buy cars, since you have to pay monthly on them, so I rather just buy it flat out and not worry about a payment. I also don't care if the car is used, or has 100k miles.. I'll just save up again and get another one.. lol, I'm about 50% of the way.
  • September 2016 - November 2016 - Save up enough to get my real estate license. The program in which I will be attending will cost around $450-$1000 per course for 90 days if I decide to go through a broker. The total cost is around $4,000, due to fees, and other things associated with it. 0% of the way
  • November 2016 - January 2017 - Have my real estate license, and start selling houses in 2017. My ultimate goal would be to sell a beach front home worth more than $4,000,000 What Are Your Goals For 2016? 0% of the way

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Great goals Everett, I wish you the best of luck with that What Are Your Goals For 2016?

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Thank you, Lynne. I'll take all the luck I can possibly get. What Are Your Goals For 2016?

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Maybe you can sell me a house when the time is right? It won't be $300 0000 sale though, but it all adds up What Are Your Goals For 2016?

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Oh, that is fine. I'm okay even if I sell a $30,000 home. The excitement of selling your first product or home is very exciting. What Are Your Goals For 2016? And if I can get licensed in SA, I would try to! What Are Your Goals For 2016?

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Great because that is on my next set of goals, for next year! I so badly want my own little space in the world that I can make completely my own What Are Your Goals For 2016?

That is something that will make me so happy and content!

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That's awesome Everett!
So you'll need about $4500 more, to get your car. And about $4,000 more for the courses? Is this a reasonable goal for you? -You've even mentioned time frames! What will happen in case you can't reach these goals within the time frame? I truly hope, and believe you will manage to reach achieve this, especially as you mentioned time frames, but I'm not comfortable myself having that much pressure on me. Which is the reason I had to ask you if this is reasonable or not. Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck! What Are Your Goals For 2016?

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I hope it's reasonable for me. I believe it is. I'm trying my absolute hardest to meet my goals, even though it may a couple thousand of dollars for the car and courses, since I have to take the initial course, and then a course after that and then another to close it all up it's going be pressuring for sure.

I believe you can do whatever you set your mind to. And that's my goals so my mind is there, and I'm hoping I can do this. I haven't really planned for anything if it fails, so this better happen! LOL

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Surviving, like in each year of freelancing. The dreams to earn enough money to buy a small home, a car and other related are less and less to be achieved...
What Are Your Goals For 2016?

We leave in a world where riches are stealing more and more from poors, but we still have the hope (until it will be stolen, too)...

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Surviving, like in each year of freelancing. The dreams to earn enough money to buy a small home, a car and other related are less and less to be achieved...

I'm sorry feel that way, however I personally believe you need to set smaller goals and work towards them. Once you've met the smaller goals you can grow and work on bigger goals. What are goals for 2016 and beyond? Why do you feel that you won't be able to acheive these goals of a house or car?
We leave in a world where riches are stealing more and more from poors, but we still have the hope (until it will be stolen, too)...

Yes, that is technically correct. The 1% owns the 99%'s money. However, there IS hope. Just hang in there and keep doing what you're doing.

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Oh, I recognize myself. Or at least the "former" me.. I changed and so can you.

The ultimate dream for me, would be to buy a house like the playboy mansion. Having a few red Ferraris in front of the house and, one thing that would be my true ultimate dream, is a blue Dodge Viper with white stripes on a platform, inside of my house. I've always wanted that.. It would be SO cool! - I probably won't get this. Ever.

However, my dream hasn't vanished because of that, and I'm not sad or angry because of that either. It's just a reality check. I understand that I won't be able to get it, based on the things I do today.

So, what should I do? Continue in the same pattern as always and be satisfied, or change things up, and put in even more effort to chase my dreams?

I will chase my dreams, but I will do it with small steps. Day by day.

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Now that 2016 is more than midway I do not have any specific big goals actually. I really wish to save up enough money to go for a nice family vacation next year, but with regards to other goals it is basically more about keeping it this way as I am pretty busy how it is, and very pleased with it all. I do not really have enough time to aim bigger, so my goal is to keep on being a good seller and CD contributor.
It was nice going through your hopes and dreams and goals. I wish you all the best of luck.

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A goal like that is still something very precious and you're doing a great job so far in the CD, as a contributor and judging by your feedbacks I'd say you're doing a superb job as a seller too! What Are Your Goals For 2016?

I wish you the best of luck EliteWriter.

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Thank you hitmeasap. I do my best. I just wish there were more hours in one day as that is probably the only way I can get to do all that I really wish to do (especially since I would love to get more affiliates and go up to level 4) What Are Your Goals For 2016? but alas, time is what it is - very limited, and I have to keep up with other commitments too. That's life!
I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors too.

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goals for this year would have to be what any other freelance business owner has, and that's for my business to prosper in the best ways i would also love to get the opportunity to expand my operations which i know is possible, i have come a long way and by establishing short term goals i have been able to accomplish many things . so long story short its just too make sure i can continue and apply myself correctly to maintain a good steady pace down that path to success and to be able to continue prospering at freelance.

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My goals for 2016 are pretty simple, not difficult at all, I'd say extremely easy...... I want to make $15,000+ per month by the end of 2016 What Are Your Goals For 2016?

Ok, I lied about how easy my main goal is lol What Are Your Goals For 2016?

I do have plans for a website that can easily make me $5,000 a month pretty quick after launch, I just need to get it coded up. I'm limited because of my funds being tied up in advertising my other services through PPC platforms like facebook ads, adcenter and adwords. Some people have told me "Well why don't you save up your money and pay for the design and programming?" well it's not that easy. If I discontinue my ads I'll essentially be killing my company because I won't have any money coming in. Gotta spend money to make money What Are Your Goals For 2016?

I have 3 websites that are in the works, basically just brainstorming right now. Two of the websites are in the gaming niche, video games and board games, and they should be fairly easy to get ranked since I know what I'm doing in terms of SEO and Online Marketing. I already have the Wordpress theme for the gaming websites, I just need to pull the trigger and buy the domains and hosting for each and then send all the files and info to my designer to get them set up. After the gaming sites are set up I know where I can start advertising, but that will be a combined total of $500 a month at the start just to get some traffic from niche related websites, that doesn't include adwords, facebook ads and adcenter What Are Your Goals For 2016?

For my other website it is in the SEO and Online Marketing niche. It'll be a service for people running a web design website and/or SEO and Marketing website. It'll help increase their leads and who doesn't like more leads!?!?! What Are Your Goals For 2016? This is the website that will make me around $5,000 to start because I already have 250 of my competitors clients emails in a file and another 10,000 websites that could use my services. I'll undercut the costs of my main competitor so that their clients will be more willing to sign up with us since they could save 50% What Are Your Goals For 2016?

Well, I want to set up those 3 websites this year and I really hope I can get them done and profitable by the end of December 2016 lol.

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Hi hitmeasap thanks for your nice question. It is very importance to achieved anything by targeting goal. And as a professional freelancer I have some goal in 2016. Though, I am not going to tell all here and it is not possible to me to share on publicly. As a Seocheckout freelancer my first and best target to get Level X 5 within 2016 and I have some blog but I am not working such for those, I will try to make those blog sites more active and live for user. And I am earning very handsome amount of money by outsourcing but I want to make it double by more hard working And I have some bank deposit as monthly basis and I want to fill them before coming month of December. And my next target to buy a private car. Though I have sufficient amount of money still but I want to buy car once my kids will be a school boy.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Our goal for the 2016 is to get in the 1st page of freelancers on seoclercks. We are making progress really fast and all our clients are happy. So reach in first page is an achievable goal for us.

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My goal for this year is to complete my learning of SEO methods especially the building of quality backlinks and the use of effective keywords. I know that SEO is already an industry and it is growing because of the patronage of webmasters in their desire to gain more traffic for their sites. If I can be an SEO specialist then that would be great because I can be someone in the industry and probably earn more.

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