
There seems to be a problem when trying to attach files

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There seems to be a problem when trying to attach files

I do not know if I am the only one experiencing this at the moment, but there seems to be a problem when I am trying to attach a file to send the completed order to the buyer. I tried in different orders to check but the problem persists.


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It was just a minor bug and it should be solved by now. Refresh and give it a go! It worked for me There seems to be a problem when trying to attach files
Awesome support on this marketplace, we love it!

Best Regards,

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What error do you get or what happens when you attempt to attach a file? Have you contacted support?

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I encounter problems too. I tried attach a file within a inbox message just now, and it doesn't work. Nothing happens when I press "attach files". Nothing at all.

Hopefully it's just a small bug, so it'll be fixed shortly. And hopefully automatically There seems to be a problem when trying to attach files

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I've just received two messages with attachments so maybe this bug has been sorted out now?

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Just run into the same problem atm, any possible solutions? I have latest firefox browser installed.

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This issue (along with the other ones mentioned in the other thread) should be fixed now. If you are still having issues, please clear your cache and try again. If the problem persists, let us know on the helpdesk.

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Cool There seems to be a problem when trying to attach files Work for me now. Thank You There seems to be a problem when trying to attach files

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Hi havesomefun, we are aware of the issue and working to correct it. Can you create a helpdesk ticket with any information about the files you are attempting to upload such as file size, file type, browser and any error message you receive?

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Its just a zip file with three Excel reports, it do not show me any errors, just when I press "Add a file attachment (50mb max.)" nothing happens.

ionicware, there are another discussion here - looks like this is related to our issue.

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I am using Chrome and it is happening to me too at the moment. I hope they fix it soon.

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