
Right way of naming your images for SEO

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Right way of naming your images for SEO

OK, many serious bloggers know about this, but i also noted that many bloggers copy some image from internet and add into blog post without renaming it, which is very important regarding SEO!
So perhaps if you writing article named "Best SEO tactics" and add an image into post named like what-a-great-day.jpg OR 29938hhg4j888fp5.jpg it can be big downside for your blog's SEO and SERP. So simple renaming file to best-seo-tactics.jpg and adding alt tag for example alt="Best SEO tactics" will enormously improve your page SEO and rank in search engines like Google. Also have look this video for much more detailed explanation.


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This is very valuable information. However when renaming the images make sure to use a dash instead of an underscore.

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When I'm posting images I always try to name the files using a keyword I'm trying to target. I do this because I like to get an additional keyword on the page even if it's in an image format Right way of naming your images for SEO I'll also add alt tags to all my images since that's one of the best things you can do for image optimization Right way of naming your images for SEO

A few times I've optimized my images so well that I got to the top of the rankings in the images tab on Google and I got a few hundred extra clicks per day because of it Right way of naming your images for SEO It's not searched as much, but there are some people on there so it's always good to optimize everything Right way of naming your images for SEO Just don't over optimize.

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Yeah. it's true. I also had experience few years back when one of m y images was positioned on top of Google image search. To be honest, name of image was not even related to my article title or main keywords but i have noted that i was getting a lot of traffic from that Google image search and i learned my lesson to use it better for my other projects and contents Right way of naming your images for SEO

Yeah... Sometime we learn by accident Right way of naming your images for SEO

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Thank you for sharing this. I will try to bear this in mind. Sometimes people focus too much on the content, and the keywords that they include within it, and then they do not bother to do anything about the images that they include. This is a pity because as you said it does have an impact on SEO and on SERP too. It does not take long to rename an image, and yet it can be very helpful if you do it.

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Yes I have been doing this for a few years now and I get quite good rankings, I think all the little pieces add up to get the rankings and this is one piece.

I was told this years ago by my sister to do it, but some people told me it made no difference at all so I am glad to hear it confirmed by you. I still carried on doing it after hearing some people saying it makes no difference simply because I hear so much contradicting information about SEO and ranking all the time... but something like this certainly can't harm your rankings and at best can help... so my thinking was why not take the time to do it anyway.

It has obviously paid off for me.

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In most cases, I use my own image. I use keywords as my image name. When I upload in the website, I use long tail search term as the description and caption. When I am using images from other sources, I always rename the image. I never use the same name. I understand the importance of giving keyword as the name of the image. Since image also helps in on site optimization and visibility in the search engine, we should be very careful about using images.

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I think that is a very good technique of naming the images that you upload on your site. Using keywords as the name of the image gives you a plus in the SEO method because the image already has a purpose when it comes to search engines. I know that it is not easy to come up with the right keywords so I guess you are doing some research of the proper keywords to use before naming your images.

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