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Hello Seocheckout users,
I know that some people are like me, or like my old self.
People who requests withdrawals each and every time they can, as fast as they can, and spends those funds on whatever things they can find.. Even though they might not want to, or need to at that specific time. But they do it because they can.
I was like that. I still am, in some ways. I often withdraw tiny amounts of cash which I spend on the most recent things I find. And because of that, I would personally love to see a feature where I could actually "lock" my funds. Kind of like a "savings account".
I can't tell how this would work, but I would love to have an option so I could choose the amount I would like to withdraw, and not the whole amount. And also to set the minimum amount I can withdraw. It would certainly help me to manage my funds.
Thoughts on this?
Best Regards,
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I myself would like something that is almost the complete opposite of locking my funds. I'd prefer an auto deposit of my funds into my paypal account so that I don't have to come here and withdraw when I wanted to. If I could set my threshold at $150 and it would auto deposit when it hit that mark, I'd be happy
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