
Is it good idea, if your profile stay live as status online?

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Is it good idea, if your profile stay live as status online?

Hi as a professional freelancer we are always trying to do something extra to attraction to clients any ways to get more sale. I noted some article from several experience freelancer and I saw most of the successful freelancer gave opinion, such as, if you stay long on online, you will get more response from buyer. According to that thought, I feel profile status always showing online really good. I mean do not need to log out even if you closed the daily work. Client may understand hiring contractor always on online and active, if he orders now, seller can response immediately to his any query. Due to online status, buyer may feel more confidence to purchase from seller.

So, if you even out of office or out of work, but your profile showing you are online, due to no logout, it may help to get more sale.

What about you? profile status always showing online is good?

Regards by Ajlancer


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Often at times, if your profile status is showing as online, when you're not online some buyers will think you're online and ignoring them. This has occurred many times. I think it's best to display when you're online, and can respond to orders, etc. I wouldn't show when I'm online when I am not because some clients think you are online, but are ignoring them which is bad business.

You don't even want to make it appear as if you're ignoring your customers because their order with you may be their last order. So most of the time I always log off, when I am not available, or can not respond to my messages. Don't leave your clients hanging there to wait on an order or message.

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Hey Ajlancer,
I would say that potential buyers will be more interested in hiring you if you are often online, as they'll get the feeling of you being very responsive and devoted to your work. You should obviously also focus on your response time, so you'll have a low response time, as that will automatically be enough evidence of you being devoted. I know I'd rather work with a seller who's online 15 hours per day compared to a seller who's online only 5 hours per day. It feels more serious and it would get my attention at another level.

Best Regards,

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Hi hitmeasap yes I agree with your point. And I concentrate on it. But, it is just an idea, if you absent on online for short while, you do not need to log out account often. And in the mean time, if any buyer checked your profile, he may feels more confidence to buy your service, and by this sense, stay online for while even you are off work may not bad idea. But, for long while absent of work, it should not be recommended. And I am sure response time is vital point to attract to new client to make more sale. Reason why, buyer can understand, you are very responsive and devoted to your work.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

Regards by Ajlancer

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I am online for several hours a day. Even when I am not sitting in front of my computer working, I still make it a point to check emails through my mobile or tablet. I do this even if I am outside running errands. So effectively I am online for about 14 hours every day minimum. But I also need to sleep at night and so I like to show that I am offline at that time. This is important because of time differences, as a good number of my buyers contact me while I am sleeping and I want them to know that I did not reply because I am sound asleep not because I am ignoring them lol

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As a buyer I can confirm that yes if a seller is online at the time I want to place an order for a service I will be more likely to order. Usually I just place an order and wait for it to be ready, but sometimes I have a question or just want to connect with the seller before I buy. In this case it would be bad if you shown as online when you are not.

I would say if you are not able to reply within an hour do not leave yourself as online. So if you are sleeping, make sure you are logged off. If you shoot out to the shop for 20 mins for something then yes go for it and make sure to reply to any correspondence as soon as you get back.

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Hi Lynne thanks for your replay. Yes I agree with you and most of the buyer expecting his hiring contractors should be active and usually buyer placed order which really able to response quick. And in this sense profile may stay online, do not bad idea. But, yes it is not for whole 24 hours. e.g. if you are going to take lunch but you may need couple of hours, for this short while you can stay your profile as online. But, when you are going to sleep or you are busy for other task for long times, you need to log out account. But, for some while even not in work, account no need to log out.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Yes Ajlancer, so I think if you are online but busy with other work and not able to respond very quickly you should also have yourself as offline.

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If I have to order a service I usually target the sellers that are online as well. However, if they are actually online, and active than that is a whole other story in and of itself. I have ordered from many sellers whos online status stated they were online but I could they weren't.

I was actually quite displeased with the seller for showing an online status, and not replying to questions or even delivering for other buyers. So it's a messy situation. Sure you want to appear online as often as possible, but try to actually be active and online when you actually are online.

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Yes for sure Everett. I mean I don't expect an instant reply, I am ok to wait up until an hour but then I'll start to get annoyed. And one thing that really ticked me off once was when a seller was "online" and I waited for ages for a response to a private message I sent and after 3 hours his status was offline.

I just think that is wrong. That is like having a customer standing right in front of you and you ignore your customer and shut shop right in his or her face. When the seller replied the next day I never responded back. I couldn't be bothered.

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I think that apart from checking if a seller is online, most buyers actually go a step further by sending the seller a message. If the seller is able to reply promptly that is great, but if not, it is a clear evidence that he is probably not online after all. So it is better to show you are online when you are REALLY online and able to reply promptly, as otherwise it may affect the perception prospective buyers get of you.

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Ajlancer, great question! I think it is very important that your clients see you are online, as they are more likely to purchase when you are online. I also agree with Everett, with not being online but being logged in, clients may think you are ignoring them and you don't want that. But what my wife and I do is has everything set up on our phones as well, so as the account says we really are logged in, we can still answer any questions or concerns our clients have from our phones if we are not able to be at our work station. I would recommend doing something along those lines because if a client can see you are dedicated and always quick to respond, they will most definitely be back!

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I think yes. It is easy to make more sales if you show your profile online. I have sold more services when I was online. If you are online and it shows on your profile, you can easily communicate with the client.

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Personally, it is better if your status is online and make sure you are too. If a potential buyer asks you a question, you will be able to respond quickly and probably close a deal with him.

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