
How To Find Buyers For MRR (Master Resale Rights)?

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How To Find Buyers For MRR (Master Resale Rights)?

I wonder how you would find people interested in Master Resale Rights for your products?

I have never tried to find these people myself, and some of these people have contacted me directly and asked me in case I'm interested to sell my products with MRR. As I'm usually not interested in selling PLR or MRR whatsoever, I just decline their offers, but in case I would be interested in finding these people.. Where would I look? What would you do? Where is the best place to find interested buyers?

Do you have any experience doing this?

Best Regards,


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Oh this is an interesting topic. Do you mean creating content for others to resell as their own?

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Hey Lynne,
Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Master Resale Rights. Basically my entire product, that another person could claim as it's own and do whatever they want with. When I give them the Master resale rights, they can do exactly what they want, and I can do nothing about it. If they want to give it away for free, sell it for $5000 or provide it as a bonus, I would have no saying at all. Which is also the reason MRR products are often very expensive. As the creator would only be able to sell a few copies instead of unlimited.

Best Regards,

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So it might be worth my while to create some MRR products? This is something I might like to do.

But to answer your question, no I don't know where I would find customers for this. The marketplace here might be a good place to start?

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Yeah. It might be work out well. Most people doesn't sell their rights for their products, which I totally can understand, but I've been thinking about selling Master Resale Rights, at least one time in my life, as I'm eager to see the results. Unfortunately, I don't think Seocheckout marketplace is the right place to do this, but one could obviously find buyers for such things here too, but I suppose I'll have better luck elsewhere. Thank you though How To Find Buyers For MRR (Master Resale Rights)?

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