
Freelancer VS Entrepreneur. Are they same or different? Debate

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Freelancer VS Entrepreneur. Are they same or different?

Since i personally feel there is so many similarities between Freelancers and Entrepreneurs i am not even sure if they are different. Freelancer is, or can be entrepreneur and vice versa.

So what is your thoughts about this? And, is there really some significant difference between these two titles?

Let's talk about it.


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To me, they are basically one in the same, however there is slight differences. A freelancer is one who works for themselves usually not a part of any business, but has clients usually via the internet or locally. An entrepreneur is a self established "business person" with a business, or multiple businesses who creates new lucrative ideas and/or reinvents how things are done in the business world as a whole.

Now, here's a label that is somewhat interesting: "Freelance Entrepreneurship". A person who works for themselves, creates new lucrative ideas and or reinvents the marketplace. I tend to think of myself as an entrepreneur, but a very small one.

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If you start a business, then you are an entrepreneur. Some freelancers are entrepreneurs if they do it as a business. However, some freelancers may work for someone and they will not be an entrepreneur in that case. Some people start their own business by providing services for money and in that case, they are an entrepreneur and freelancer. If however, they hire a team to provide services but he/she doesn't do the work, then they are still an entrepreneur but not a freelancer.

I am a freelancer but also an entrepreneur because I do services for money and own websites.

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Yeah in that case i am freelancer and entrepreneur, Two in one Freelancer VS Entrepreneur. Are they same or different?

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I would just be an entrepreneur then. I don't really take on clients and do work for them. Oh wait... on my mommy blog I offer some advertising packages so this would maybe count as taking on clients?

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I would say they're pretty much the same thing. Both work for themselves in order to have financial freedom and possibly riches.

There are slight differences though.

A freelancer is out there to help others with problems or projects that they cannot do themselves. A freelancer has skills that the employer does not and that is why the freelancer will be paid for their services. Freelancing can be a ton of different things, if we're talking about online freelancing, it can be from programming and coding a persons website to making a video or building some links. You can set up a website and still consider yourself a freelancer, but that's where your title gets slightly obscure. This is because now you're offering something that a business would offer and you're not on freelancing platforms. You're still a freelancer, but you're pushing towards new revenue streams and can be considered an entrepreneur.

An entrepreneur is someone who sets out to have a business of their own and attempts to make their income stable enough to not have to rely on a paycheck from a corporation that they're working 40 hours a week for. But isn't this what freelancers do? Yes, and that's why it's similar, but not exactly the same. An entrepreneur can sell products to the masses and not actually offer any services. A freelancer usually offers services to potential clients in return for cash. But an entrepreneur can be considered a freelancer trying to make it on his or her own so they don't have to work for a corporation 40 hours a week to gain a paycheck...

There are slight differences, but I would still consider a freelancer as an entrepreneur since they both have the same goal of financial freedom while not having to work for a corporation in order to obtain money Freelancer VS Entrepreneur. Are they same or different?

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Well an entrepreneur is someone who finds a gap in the market and starts up a business so as to cater for those needs. He/she would invest money and take risks.
A freelancer on the other hand is a type of entrepreneur as he is also offering a service in a market, but the investment made by a freelancer cannot be compared to that of an entrepreneur I believe.
Besides I think that to start off as an entrepreneur it is about coming up with a great idea, whereas for a freelancer it is more about the skills he has.

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Hi anwebservice thanks for a nice question. It is really very difficult to say different between freelancer and entrepreneur. I think both has some basic different for example a entrepreneur has to take own risk for set up business or businesses and need to take finical risk for future profit. On the the hand freelancer and it also called self-employed hired from different agent company and as a freelancer. He does not need to take any finical risk. And he just does work for some targeted work. Besides, freelancer getting paid for completing each task from other company. On the other hand, entrepreneur use money from others to build their business.

Regards by Ajlancer

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It depends on the kind of freelancing for you to fall under the category of entrepreneur. Like me, my freelancing is primarily forum posting which is clearly a work or job but not a business. But for others who sell something is engaged in a business therefore is an entrepreneur.

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