
How do I write a review for the seller?

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How do I write a review for the seller?

I bought an item, but I can't figure out how to write a review for the seller. Tell me how this is done.


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Hello TrickDirtyModz,
If you want to leave feedback or recommendations to a seller here's how you do it:
How To Leave Feedback Or A Recommendation?

I'm glad you're trying to find out how to do this, as all feedbacks, negative or positive, is a contribution to the entire Seocheckout community. Positive feedbacks or recommendations will help the seller to become an established seller and it makes it easier for other potential buyers to buy from them, as they can read the feedbacks from previous clients. Negative ones, will help potential buyers to be a bit more careful, if needed. So it's all good in the end!

Best Regards,

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How to write a review for the seller:

On your navigation, hover over "BUYER", move your mouse down to "Shopping", click on "My Shopping" or click this link.

This will bring you to the order page. Then on the order page, you'll need to find "Pending my Review" or click this link.

Find the order, and scroll down the page. There on the order page near the bottom, you'll see the options to review the order. You can only review an order once the buyer has delivered the service.

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When the seller sends over your order you can review it to see if it is according to what you wanted. Hopefully it is fine and you will approve it and mark it as complete. While doing so you can write your review for that seller. If you want to make it longer, so as to show your gratitude for a truly great service for example, you can make it as a recommendation. In that way it will remain more visible on that seller's profile page and he/she will be very happy about it for sure. I really appreciate it when one of my buyers takes the time to leave me a recommendation.

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It is really important for buyers to leave recommendations where they are due. It is great for the seller yes, but I find them invaluable when I am searching for a seller.

I find the buyer reviews and recommendations very helpful to me in making my decisions.

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Hi TrickDirtyModz thanks for your concern regarding leaving feedback. Feedback is very essential part of both buyer and seller. Especially when you leave any feedback or recommendation what you get experienced from seller, other buyer will get help by this comments for further purchase. And leave any comments what you think best for your purchased. If positive experience leave a positive feedback and if bad experience you can leave negative or thumbs down feedback. But do not forget, negative feedback no solution of any problem. It is very easy to leave to your seller by order section. You just need to go your order url and leave the message under the service report.

Regards by Ajlancer

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